Clarification of my Angry Stepchildren
I just wanted to add or explain more about my situation with my disrespectful and selfish stepchildren. 3 of the children live away from home on their own and the 18 year old SD lives with us as she is a senior in HS. It just floors me after all these years of being around that the children will not even notice my presence or even say a simple "HELLO". The children do not even pick up after themselves whenever they are at our home, they will not even attempt to pick up unless they are told to pick up their trash off the floor, yes off the floor. I have never seen them pick up a broom, wash the dishes, run the dishwasher, NOTHING at all. I always blame myself for there disrespect towards me, but my wife assures me that they are angry towards their bio dad. Its been 5 years now, and after all the counceling they have attended they still cannot even attempt to be friendly or even get over the anger. Its ripping me to shreads and all I do is whenever they are around, I go hide somewhere because they make me feel so small. Its actually killing me slowly,my bio children have been very good towards there step father and he always makes comments on how hospitable and respectful they have been, just an ounce of respect towards me would make my day.
- rowehun's blog
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