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I just got so very sad yesterday..............

RustyHalo's picture

I planned for SD10's Valentine's Day Party at the school for two weeks. I sent out letters to all the parents asking for donations and I had a great turnout. I baked and decorated the cutest cupcakes, bought decorations, planned a Valentine Bingo game, bought the cups, plates, napkins, and goodie bags. I arrive at the school, go to SD10's classroom and I see on the table we use for all the food - two big containers of cupcakes. I got confused because I had spoken with all the parents and had coordinated every item, and right then SD10 comes over with a huge smile on her face and says "my mommy made cupcakes!" SD8 and SD10 had helped me bake OUR cupcakes and I'm sure they told BM about them, but she made cupcakes anyway. She also made cupcakes for SD8's class and ANOTHER mother also made cupcakes for that class. SD8 brought 12 of her mom's cupcakes home with her because they had TOO many cupcakes for her class.
The form that was sent home by SD8's room mother was still in SD8's bookbag from LAST WEEK. BM did not bother to fill out her item donation or at least call the room mother to discuss what she could send, hence the MANY cupcakes.
BM has NEVER sent anything for a party before and the ONE time she sends something in, it's the exact same thing I sent in.
It just really bugged me. I don't know. Maybe I'm overreacting. The skids were thrilled with their mom's cupcakes. But couldn't she have sent cookies, brownies, anything else? Why would anyone send in cupcakes when she KNOWS there are all ready cupcakes being sent in?
I just got very sad about this. I didn't even have any energy to be mad at BM. I'm just resigned to the fact that BM is going to continue to be a pain in any way she can find.
Oh.......AND SD8 and SD10 have reminded me several times that I have to wash BM's containers and return them to her as soon as possible. UGH!!!!!!!!!!


stepmom008's picture

I'm sorry - classic BM passive aggressiveness. I'd be pissed too but unfortunately there's nothing you can do about it. Best bet is to not let her know it annoyed you because that's probably what she's angling for.

"There are two things over which you have complete dominion, authority, and control over - your mind and your mouth".

RustyHalo's picture

Yea, I know. I thought about putting a little note in one of the containers saying:
Wow, these were yummy, delicious cupcakes you sent us! Send some more, will ya?

**my stepdaughters did not grow in my tummy, they grew in my heart**

stepmom008's picture

Or ask her for the recipe & make them so much better than her so you can send some to her house!

"There are two things over which you have complete dominion, authority, and control over - your mind and your mouth".

Constantly_guilty's picture

You know exactly why she sent the cupcakes. She decided she needed to put you back in your place. I'm assuming you were the party coordinator for SD10? If I were you, I would have told SD10, "How nice, now we have extras in case we run out." Then I would have put those tubs out of the way and made sure the "extras" got sent right back home to BMs house.

Deep breaths and rise above it because I suspect that SD10 doesn't realize the game her mother was playing and was just happy that her mother cared for once. Believe me, it will rub off. My SDs BM never came to any soccer games, dance recitals, etc when SD was little until I came into the picture and then for about six months she was mommy-cheerleader at every event. When she realized that I was going to keep showing up and "going to all those activities was HARD" she went back to ignoring any of SDs extra-curriculars.

RustyHalo's picture

Yea, I am the head room mom for SD10's class. SD10 begged me to be the room mom, only after BM decided she didn't want to do it, or couldn't do it because of work. Also, BM just received her tax refund and that's why she's all of a sudden sending stuff in. The money will run out soon enough and she'll go back to not sending anything. SD8 is always asking if I will be HER head room mom next year and I keep telling her "we'll see", because I don't know if I can handle another year of this crap from BM.

**my stepdaughters did not grow in my tummy, they grew in my heart**

RustyHalo's picture

YES, you're exactly right.
And everybody always tells me that BM is just jealous of me. And that sucks because there's nothing I can do about that. She wants what I have, because when she had it, she didn't appreciate it. SHE left a very good thing.

**my stepdaughters did not grow in my tummy, they grew in my heart**

bioandstep2009's picture

Yep, I doubt BM's intentions were genuine. Don't be too sad though... She's an ass and you sound like you're a wonderful stepmom. Don't change who you are and what you do for the girls because of her. One day, maybe, they might see through her, maybe not, but they will remember how you were and hopefully appreciate that.

soverysad's picture

SOVERYSAD with you RustyHalo. I'm no longer doing the room mom thing for Creature.

"God is great, beer is good, and people are crazy" and you can't change crazy!!

MarriedwithChild's picture

Sorry, but wth is with this, "My moomy this, my mommy that" shit? It really gets on my nerves.

When I "hear" it, I say, "That's nice."

As far as I am concerened, if ss5 wants his "mommy beast", he can have IT. You know?

Storm76's picture

As a little aside - please don't wash her containers - send them back mucky!

"God never gives us more than we can cope with, I just wish he didn't have such faith in me!"

Kb3Hooah's picture

Put this little note in the container:

"I'm so sorry that most of your cupcakes were left over, especially with all the effort you put into them. I guess the little kiddies just couldn't get over the scrumptious sprinkles I put on mine. Maybe next time eh??"

Rusty (THE best cupcake maker of all time)

Ok j/k, but it's fun to think about! LOL

“Some cause happiness wherever they go; others whenever they go.”