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im new to this....

sam91's picture

I'm new to this. I have a step son. And i need advice or to talk to people that understand my husband doesn't seem to understand what I'm going through he has two kids bothwith different moms.and now a baby with me. He never has to worry about having step children so he just thinks I'm being mean to his son who we have full time.


amackeral's picture

Welcome to STalk, I'd say enjoy your stay but none of us enjoy being in the situations we're in or we wouldn't be here/venting!

mama_althea's picture

This site will be great for you. Also please try to get your hands on the book Stepmonster. I promise it will help. It's the second time I've mentioned it in like the last 30 minutes. I swear I'm not a paid promoter!

hanneyh1's picture

Haha, mama_althea you should be! lol. if only we got paid for the small things. I tell new stepparents about this site all the time. Haven't read the Stepmonster book, but it's on my long list of to-reads. And welcome Sam91. We all have been there. I just dealt with my DH telling me earlier that I was an evil stepmom for the first time from his very lips. Cut me to the core. But being on here, and venting that little episode actually made me laugh after I read some comments from the ladies. I'm still dealing with what you are feeling every day. I don't have any of my own though. Just the one SD5. I'm just now getting to the stage where I'm ready to disengage from anything involving caring for her aside from bathtime. We are all here to help each other!

Nolagirl's picture

Sam 91.......welcome to the club. We all feel the same way that u do. This life really does suck.

Make sure that you read the suggested book:Stepmonster
It will make u feel much better. The feelings u feel are normal. Your husband will never understand.
People without stepchildren will never understand your situation.