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Meeting SS18 for the first time today.

sammmx's picture

It feels so awkward to put "SS18" considering I just found out about him a couple months ago. And he's only 3 years younger than me. I have no clue how this is going to go, how to act. Or how BF even acts around him - as a father? A friend? I have no clue how to act. This has awkward disaster written all over it, argh...


Krispey Kreme's picture

Yes, I learned that lesson the hard way. Be dignified. Never let them see you sweat. You aren't their buddy/peer, you are their father's wife and their elder. Insist on being respected. Act too eager to get along with them or to please them and they will take it as weakness and they will eat you alive. Keep detached from the get go. 18 years old is a grown up as far as I'm concerned. Let him show you how he wants to be treated. If he's pleasant, be pleasant. If he's a jerk, let him & DH know loud and clear that you won't tolerate this treatment and stick to it. Or if he's better looking and has no baggage, maybe he's more your type (just kidding)? Good luck!

Anon2009's picture

" You aren't their buddy/peer, you are their father's wife and their elder."

I disagree- this ss is three years younger than her. So I disagree that she is his elder.

Op, I think you should treat him the same way you'd treat any other adult you're meeting for the first time and follow his lead like sa says.

sammmx's picture

It's been kinda awkward. He's been drinking with us and just like one of BF's friends over. And now BF is at work and it's just me and him. Awkward lol.