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We've graduated now from piss to shit.

sammmx's picture

Yep, this morning when I woke up SS2 came out of his room with his diaper half off and said "You help me put my diaper on?" I was immediately alarmed. I figured he had pissed all over his room. Well, he did, but that isn't even the worst of it. I then noticed he had poo all over his hands, on his neck, belly and legs. Ahhhh! I just threw him in the tub and scrubbed him clean. Ew. Then I saw there was poo smeared all over his bedroom door. I do not even want to know what the inside of the room looks like. SS9 is still sleeping in there, poor kid... But if there is shit all over the place in there I am leaving it for BF. I really can't deal with this bullshit, I was gagging while washing SS2. I don't have kids for a reason, yuck !!!


Princessoverit's picture

That is normal 2 yr old behavior not just a step kid. I would work on potty training.

Stepcop's picture

It is very normal 2 year old behavior, he's just figured out, a) how to take the diaper, b) what's inside and how much fun it is in texture (it's gross to us because we know what it is, to him it's a neat texture, like finger paints), c) he can now tell when he has a full diaper and doesnt like it, or when he needs to go, so he is ready to start in the potty. It's normal. A 2 year old has not experience very much of the world, you can tell him it's yucky, but really, he just knows it feels neat.

herewegoagain's picture

Yep, normal for a 2yr old. The problem is I truly believe that when we are parents we are able to cope with it...somehow, human nature, science, whatever has some switch that allows us as parents to deal with is NOT the same when it is someobody else's kid...period. There is nothing you can do. I swear this is some funky human nature thing of how we were made...Don't feel bad. Your DH needs to get his head out of his butt and realize this. I can assure you that he could never wipe somebody else's kid's is what it is.

Poor kid.