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"You're mean" , "You're a kill joy" ...

sammmx's picture

Nope, not from the mouth of the kids but... From the mouth of BF. apparently I am mean because after the "chair incident" (see other blog) I decided SS2 was no longer allowed to cook with me. Clearly I lack the ability to babysit and cook at the same time. "You're mean, he loves cooking. You need your little assistant." Uh, no. Not after that last ordeal. So as I write this BF is cooking with SS2. Doesn't hurt my feelings any!

Then, I have been harping on SS2 for using the couch as a jungle gym. Cushions everywhere, blankets, pillows, jumping all over everything making a mess etc. so apparently I am a killjoy because I get irritated with him jumping all over. Whoopee, I want my house to have some structure. This isn't a free-for-all, BF... I find myself saying that a lot. Hes so used To the boys just runnin around out of control, god forbid I try and make some rules. Fine. When he destroys the couch I will no longer fix it. Not my problem!

The next frustration is POTTY TRAINING... SS2 will be 3 in Sept and he has NEVER peed or pooed on the potty in his entire life. Why? Because when BF asks him to, SS2 says no so BF goes about his business. Seriously? He's not just gonna magically start doing it on his own... So I try and help out for the kids sake, but SS2 cries and throws tantrums when he has to sit on the potty. BF lets him off the second he sees a tear. I make him sit for 2min and try despite his tears. And what does that make me.....??? MEAN. So fine, potty train your kid yourself BF. And enjoy changing a 3, 4, hell maybe even 5 year old's diaper! Ughhhhh. I will keep up the potty training when BF is gone but of he's here to judge and whine then fine... You do it your way.


sammmx's picture

Haha, I tried that with BF but... he doesn't seem to understand HOW OFTEN kids in diapers need changed. Like he never acknowledges SS2 needs a change unless he's poo'd. I have literally seen the kid wander around in a diaper down past he's knees so full of pee and BF turn a blind eye because he "didn't notice" and I feel so bad for the kid, I end up doing it. Ugh. Stuck between a rock & a hard place for sure.