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At a loss

saneone's picture

Brief history, as I'm new to this site - my husband's ex-wife has has 5 children with 3 different husbands. I have 2 stepdaughters that are 17 and 15. They both moved in with us about 3 years ago because their mom was having issues. The 15 year old made the decision to move back with their mom after a year and the 17 year old decided to stay with us. Story could go on forever, but I'll skip to the latest drama....

My stepdaughter listed myself and her mother as her "mothers" on Facebook. Her mom went balistic. Told her (through text because she refused to answer the phone)that she was never speaking to her again, she hated her, and that if she wanted to speak to her mother, she should call me.

Seriously? My husband's ex-wife behaves like a teenager. She claims that she lives her life for her children. Bull. She is the most selfish person I've ever met. All I want to do is call her and tell her what I really think of her. But if I did, she would only take it out on my stepdaugher. How does a mother say these things to her child? It absolutely baffles my mind.

I wish there was something that I could do to ease my stepdaughters pain, but only her mother can do that. This is the most helpless feeling.



ddakan's picture

Well, its not like she didn't list her own mother too. BM is probably really territorial about her daughters and counts it as an insult. She doesn't understand that it doesn't take anything from her for her daughter to love you too.

I had this same problem with our BM. She hated me because I connected with her adopted niece....and she didn't. I was just closer to the girl because I had 2 teenage girls and it was very easy for me. BM had 2 boys and so the girl thing was foreign to her.

My daughters have never had a step mom, but they have had plenty of women try to help them along the way. I try to appreciate any kindness other ladies show toward my girls, because I can't be where they are all the time. What I do not like or tolerate was this one lady who hated me for divorcing my ex and told my daughters they were better off without me. She was a nutjob herself, but it really hurt that someone would say that. My whole existence revolved around being a good mother.

My daughters are 19 and 18 now, and sd is 21.

saneone's picture

Love Ron White and the quote is very appropriate! Thanks so much for your comments, they are very much appreciated.

RaeRae's picture

Wow.. what an insecure bitch. I have my mom and stepmom listed as my moms on facebook. Never heard a word out of either of them. They both know the roles they have played, and continue to play in my life.

bruisedpeach's picture

this is exactly the reaction that we are expecting from the BM when the oldset ss11 finally up and chooses to live with us, which i can hand on heart say will happen at some point in the future.
but her kids are her life, obviously.

when that day comes, which it will, that will be the one day i finally choose to speak to the bm and tell her what a truly vile piece of shit she is for hurting her children, well and truly. shes trying real hard with PAS, but ss11 it no worky on.