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I hate her again-still-forever...

Sassy's picture

If I don't get this off my chest I will never get any sleep and I have an exam and two presentations tomorrow, not to mention a 14 hour day ahead of me.

My SS11 has what looks to be poison oak (or something of the sort). he got it a while back when he went to her shithole in Sunland. Okay, it began as one small dime sized rash so we just decided to keep an eye on it. Well, by Friday it had spread all over his body (poor itchy baby) so I tried to get him a Dr appt. None til next week, but good news, the local Urgent care was open on Saturday. So, since BM had the kids for the weekend I let her know and she reluctantly said "yeah, I guess I can take him". I made an appt for Wednesday anyway cause she's a dumptruck. So Saturday gets here and sure enough when I asked what the MD said, she goes"oh, I didn't take him, I think it's poison oak and it's getting better". WHAT????? How would she know if it was better, he's been at my house for two weeks straight-ok no problem, i will take him myself wednesday.

Next thing-I paid 250 dollars for jeans for the two older SS16 and SS17! I know it's crazy, but these kids are huge (tall not fat) and so are their pants. So I say, hey I got them some jeans they can use for school next year and for nice occassions since the ones they have look like crap, can u pay half? She says , yeah no problem. So the kids get here this evening (sunday night) and low and behold-no check from stupid bitch! So I text her and say did anyone get a check from you? She says "no, I'll email you later about that". DUDE!!!!WHATEVER!!!! Don't even f-ing bother. I know you are a dumptruck and always will be.

And then, I get home tonight and the kids are home and what did they bring? Her shitty fucking birthday cake!!! Why in the hell do I want HER nasty as cake at MY house? I am going to strangle someone-Lord I hope no one messes with me tomorrow-it would be a bad idea!!!

Should I confront her on any of this? I will leave the cake issue alone, but the pants and the doctor-what should I say?


Anon2009's picture

Does the court order spell out who pays for what? If not, your DH should consider having that written in there...

On a side note, I am 6' 1" so I can certainly relate to the clothes shopping issue!

I know you have a lot on your plate and am sending 1,000 hugs your way!

Sassy's picture

I totally understand, these guys are 6'3 and 6'5 and still growing! Actually the court order does say that he pays for the medical insurance and they split any other deuctibles, fees, school stuff and everything else for the kids. It also says she wants the dog and the cats (who are all now living here since she left the county) The problem is, they reside with us five days a week and we pay for everything. And, when we do ask we get the crap like we got today. The only way I got her to pay for half of the drivers training was by making the appointments on the weekends so she would be the one there to pay, not me. Even this was forced.I am seriously tempted to rewrite the court papers and take her ass back to court. The oldest is starting college in august (she said she'd pay half) and I will need someones help to pay for it. I am still in college myself and let me tell you, the nursing program ain't cheap.

"A parents job is to eat as much sh*t as we have to so that the children do not."

Sassy's picture

I already sent an e-mail I was so mad. i don't care what she thinks or says-she's nothing but a useless mother of a dumptruck! I told her SS11 was worse, not better, but that's it's okay I will take care of him. I let her know I made a Dr appt for wednesdy just in case she "couldn't" take him on saturday.

Then I told her (since sh'e obviousy not paying for her half of the pants)the SS17 needs his truck insurance soon, but to let me know if she "couldn't or wouldn't" pay for the half of the deposit she already said she would pay for.

I said nothing of the cake beacuse I know it is petty and I said nothing of the pants money yet. I will wait to see what dumb ass excuse she has this time, then I will tell her she's a dumptruck.

By the way my DH came up with the term dumptruck-I kinda like it for her

"A parents job is to eat as much sh*t as we have to so that the children do not."

Sassy's picture

I already knew all of what you said, and I know half of it is my fault for trying to get her to be their mom...that's the only thing I don't agree on. They don't have a mom. She just proved that once again. She has decided that even though she has other options, she is staying out of county Monday thru Friday ona permanent basis now.

I already decided that I would not ask her for anything anymore. I was simply trying to make a point to her and let her know how much money we really do spend on these boys. She did say she would be more than happy to pay half if I would just ask. So...I started asking...the outcome here, she has decided to be an absentee mom for good and visit only on weekends if no one else has plans and get this....after all the greed from her and all the fighting trying to get her to pay, she gave up having any of the kids as tax write offs. And yes, we do have it in writing!

Her last words a while back when we told her we were claiming the kids since we had them were this."Well what do I have to do to get the kids on MY taxes?" There was no, I miss them, I want to see them more, it was all about money and always has been (sad). We simply said, you have to have them half of the time or something at least close to it. So she tried her hardest, taking Mondays off so she could count Sunday night as hers (but only dropping them at school and leaving), then she tried to have them for 4 weeks last summer, but the oldest didn't want to go and she never took any time off work. "she" had them, but they were at her parents house most of the time.

I hope I hope I hope, she finally figured it out (though I doubt it). She either has to be a mom and support her kids half way, or forget it, she can't claim them and she just needs to go away.

"A parents job is to eat as much sh*t as we have to so that the children do not."