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Sassy's picture

Sometimes I really just wanna reach out and touch someone-and by this I really mean I wanna reach out and slap that BM-except that we all know BM splatters-ha ha. My spoiled ass rotten kids bio and step have evry single xbox 360 game imaginable-I mean all of them. We have always had the gaming systems at our house until finally BM went and bought one for her house. No problem. We told the kids they could always take whatever games (and any of their crap for that matter) to their mom's simply because it's theirs to do with as they please. Well, they have a game here and the same one over there-so cool they can play at both houses without having to take it back and forth. Well, my DH lent our copy to a friend of his-ok no biggie, they can bring the copy from their moms if they want to play it right? Ummmm-nope. Apparently she has told them that they can't bring it over here and when my 11SS went to get it to bring here, she grabbed it and hid it. Just when I try to give her the benefit of the doubt and think she's not a total ass. the kids (the older two anyway) SS16 and SS17 always try to hide her stupidness from us because they know it's BS, but the little one SS11 has no clue and so blurts hings at the dinner table like "mom won't let us bring it over here-she took it and I don't know where she hid it" Oh well, once again she's the ass-at least the kids realize it. Oh yeha and her excuse last time this type of thing came up, "well your stepbrother (my DS12)will just ruin it" What a bitch, blaming sh** on my son. As a matter of fact, the reality is, the SS17 is the worst of them all and is usually the one who breaks everything. For crying out loud, we have four teen and preteen boys here-stuff gets broke almost daily!!! Should I confront her on this one or just let it be?


The Principlist's picture

Is to let it be. If she thinks that she can get to you the more she will try. It won't kill them to not be able to play the game. You've said so yourself that they have every game so they need to play something they have at your place. She bought it and if she wants to be a butt, let her. Just don't bite. She is probably still mad about the puppy. I would not say anything and would continue on as if I had no clue. Now if it were yours and she did that, then I would address it.

Just because one opens her legs twice, does not a mother make! ~ ME ~ }:-P

Rags's picture

we don't let the kid take anything nice on visitation. Anytime he takes a name brand anything with him it tends to not come back. Shoes, clothes, I-pods, video games, or anything else remotely desirable ........

We got so sick of providing nice stuff for THEM that we have adopted the habit of buying inexpensive stuff specifically for visitation. Though it is aggravating as hell to have to do it, it saves us money in the long run and more importantly denies THEM nice stuff on our dime.

Snarky I know. But it makes us feel better.

Best regards,

Sassy's picture

with the older boys and boy did that backfire. they were over her house every chance getting their stuff back.. They'd have no clean stuff there then bring more clothes and suddenly-hey where's all my clothes? Dude-you took them to your mom's and left them there. So we went over there with our van and filled it up with all their laundry. I washed it all and now they tend to leave it all here at my house. As far as the games and crap-I couldn't care less-I don't play them, but my hubby does so he cares. My problem was that as it was told by my SS11 and SS16 she snatched it out of his hands and hid it-Good Lord what is wrong with that woman? I hate hearing anytime the kids are upset enough to tell us about it. This was like a week ago, so it must have bothered them for it to be brought up again. We have tried to be the good guys on this one and let them take whatever they want whereever they want. If it gets lost or broken, I say oh well, better luck next time, but I'm not biuying a new one.

Be kinder than necessary to everyone! We all have our battles.

Rags's picture

is that his Dad (BioDad) is the one that scalps his stuff. They are the same size and BioDad has this overwhelming need to dress like a trendy teen (he is 39 for God's sake).

The half sibs are too young (small) to wear his stuff so at least we have only been closing the loser idiot SpermDad and not the rest of his spawn.

Best regards,

Anon2009's picture

is we allow the kids to take their nice stuff to BM's (i.e. ipods, movies, clothes, etc) but if they forget to bring it back, or don't bring it back for whatever reason, then it stays at BM's parents' place (because BM usually just pawns them off to her parents) until the next visitation.

I agree with the Principalist, it won't kill them to not play the game for a little while and that because BM bought it, it's not worthwhile to confront her. However, if it was something YOU bought and they took it to her house, and she was acting like this, then you should definitely have your DH confront her with the receipt from when you bought it.

The Principlist's picture

We bought SS an Ipod last Christmas. He took it to BMs and it was "misplaced." BM has since moved to another place, but the IPod has never reappeared. OH Well. His problem. His next IPod he had to pay for and since he decided that he wanted an IPod TOuch you can imagine how long it took him to save for it. He bought this one in November. So far, so good. It comes back from the couple of visits that he has gone on with BM and it is not yet broken. This is a record in and of itself. THe last one had vanished into thin air by this time. So, when the first one was missing and he was trying to argue the point with DH and I about a new one. We were not open to hearing it. We buy the first whatever and if they don't take care of it or are responsible with it. THe next ones on them. Saves us a lot of headache in dealing with the Vilage Queen Idiot.

Just because one opens her legs twice, does not a mother make! ~ ME ~ }:-P

EvilMum's picture

that I don't let SD4 take any of her toys, movies or games to BM's house, but that is because BM pawns everything for beer and cig money. (She just recently took back SD4's birthday presents, including a ferret to get beer money for her alcoholic mother). But your BM is just being a twit. IMO, I'd say just leave it be, they won't die without it.

WowjustWow's picture

BM does the same thing. She literally owns nothing except some clothing. She has sold all of her furniture, most of SD's clothes, books, ipods, you name it. She even sold her bed and made SD14 (then 11) sleep on the couch or floor. And mysteriously all of the clothes that never returned from the black hole, SD claims they "ripped" or "broke". I told her her mom must use one hell of a washing machine, because I have never torn any of their clothing doing laundry.

I bought SD14 2 pairs of Abercrombie pants for xmas, I've only seen one recently, which makes me think the other is at a consignment shop. And the girls talk about going to consignment shops all the time with her, so I know what she is doing! We are hesitant to let them take anything when their mom picks them up, but if it is something like an ipod or gameboy, they get one. If it gets "lost" or broken, they don't get another.

It is a little better for us now that they live with us during the week. They keep their nice stuff at our house for school, but just last Friday SD12 said she needed to take some clothes with her to BM's - hmm, well she doesn't actually have a place to live - hotel, because for the last few weekends she has worn the same dirty clothes all weekend, and Monday. Gross! Who lets their kids live like that? Of course this was my fault. I told her should was more than welcome to take clothes, but they needed to come back on Monday so I can wash them, then she left without taking any with her.

Sassy's picture

Be kinder than necessary to everyone! We all have our battles.

BM just came and got the boys tngiht and I actually let her skanky ass into my house (for the boys' sake) Anyway, she actually asked my SS16 if he had any clean clothes at her house cause they were going to a work bar-b-que this weekend. He was like no, then she tried to clean it up by sayng I mean do you have any pants without holes in them. Nice try, but we know she rally meant clean clothes cause she doesn't do laundry. She then asked me if my SS11 had any pants here she could take for this weekend. How embarrassing for her and them!

Most Evil's picture

How can you 'not' do laundry? I am very confused . . . LOL!

"A lie told often enough becomes the truth." - Vladimir Lenin

Sassy's picture

Be kinder than necessary to everyone! We all have our battles.

I have all four boys all week, go to school, cook meals, have loads and loads and loads of homeowrk (nursing program) and I still manage to get all our laundry done, plus what they bring home from their moms.

Answer me this one-she never worked-never-for the 15 years she was married and still did no laundry, no cookig and no cleaning-how is that possible? I would lose my mind sitting on my ass all day. Of course she was on the internet daily trying to find people to cheat with, and she did manage to spend all of his money on sex toys, lingerie and crap for her boyfriends-you tell me.

I am still embarrased for what happened to those kids last night.