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When will the daddy guilt end?

schambers's picture

So 2 weeks ago ss23 finally got the hell out. We didn't hear from him for 2 weeks...2 peaceful glorious weeks, there was no fighting or arguing in the house and it is cleaner than it has been in the last 9 months. Then the storm came....ss23 tells daddy he misses him but hasn't contacted him because of me blah blah and he's sick cause he doesn't have any blankets etc where he's living blah blah.....of coarse dh blames me once again because I made it so unbearable for ss23 to live with us. Before I could respond, whe words of a wise paramedic co worker hit me....DNR... Do not respond. I followed that advice, did not defend myself and walked away. He was dumfounded, and I didn't get my feelngs hurt. Try it Smile


NewBeginning's picture

Good for you. I'm doing the same with my matter what my DH says about her I ignore it. I just don't care not want to hear anything about the bitch.

alwaysanxious's picture

Wow, very nice! And I'm excited about your new found freedom!!!

Mental note to self: DNR

twopines's picture

Go you! So proud of you for not playing that ridiculously silly game! DH will tell me stuff about SD25, and 90% of the time I just look at him and say nothing. Poor thing thinks I'm going to respond. Or something.

starfish's picture

DNR ~ making a mental note of that right now.... i think i may stick notes all over the house that say DNR, in case i forget in a weak moment.

excellent execution chambers!!! hats off to you for handling it so well!

Shannon61's picture

Schambers . .I'm so jealous. Mustang1, your comments are priceless. I can always count on you for a good laugh. I'll have to remember DNR.

I'm jealous because I can't wait for the glorious day that my SD (27) moves out next year after she gets married. As someone else posted, your SS needs to grow the F up. I'm assuming there are no Walmarts or K-marts in town where he can buy blankets. So he decided to call daddy looking for sympathy. Ridiculous!