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BBB, Stick and many other ladies here,

Sebbie's picture

If only we could have each other as the bm's to our dh's and as the Stepmother's to our children, what a wonderful world that would be!


Stick's picture

If that was the case, I may truly end up feeling sorry for our husbands!! We'd gang up on them!! They'd be doomed and we'd be drinking mar-gar-eeee-tas!!

*** A rainbow just threw up on me... and now I'm sh*tting glitter! ***

NotsoHappyNewlywed's picture

We'd round up all the kiddies, put them in Droopy's athletic gear, let Bratterina babysit, and send them all over to...
Whose house has the pool that all the parties end up at?!?!?!

Sebbie's picture

I would rather be hated for who I am, then loved for who I am not.

Can you see them now? The ex wives and the new wives agreeing,lol, communicating, getting along! That could either be heaven for them, as we "wives" would just run the show, or hell for them as we would all be up their asses! Yep, the pool parties are at BBB'S!