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My tax dollars put to good use...NOT

second string's picture

BM hasn't worked a day in over 5 years and lives off the government. Section 8 pays her rent, Medicaid provides free healthcare, food stamps pay for her groceries, boyfriend on disability provides free childcare and DH's child support pays for her fun. WTF!!!!! I'm so sick and tired of DH and I working our butts off to provide all of the above for our family and knowing that she is sitting on hers while my tax dollars enable her. And now yesterday BM tells us that she is pregnant again and due any day. She doesn't look it but DH said she didn't show much with SS either, not to mention we are still in bulky clothing season. This will be number 6 with father number 6. She hasn't told her kids yet and claims that they are putting it up for adoption but from what she and boyfriend posted on their walls, they have every intention of keeping it. She can't even take care of the ones that she has now let alone a newborn. I can't even put to words how much this infuriates me. It's days like this that I wish I could just say F it, shuck all responsibility and still be provided with all necessities to live, but I guess I have too much integrity to do that.


Shook's picture

Exactly, our BM hasn't worked a day in her life either but collects from everywhere.
6 kids from 6 fathers? Those aren't children, those are meal tickets.

Willow2010's picture

This will be number 6 with father number 6.
That is just nasty.

Shook's picture

Hexagon Mom. I hope she at least does her research & "procreates up"? Or does she stick to the unemployable, inebriated profile?

Disneyfan's picture

This drives me nuts.

Yesterday I was in a kosher deli here in Brooklyn
The place was packed. I could not believe the number of kids in each family. None of the families ahead of me or on the next line had less than five kids. Also, each family used an EBT (foodstamps) card to pay for their food. Several of the women were pregnant.

That whole scene annoyed the heck out of me. Why do we continue to help those who don't think twice about having kids they can't afford?

MotherTrucker's picture

And BM's wonder why we all think we are better then them. You summed it up with one word..... integrity.

herewegoagain's picture

Tell me about it! We just paid 19K in local taxes and 7K to IRS...idiot loser SKID is getting free school, free food and everything else...she is on anxiously awaiting the arrival of loser #3 at the age of 18! WTH? Went out with my grandmother yesterday who is always talking about "the rich should pay more"...I got fed up and told her "great grandma, glad you think so...cause we just paid over 26K in taxes so that you crappy son who has never been able to hold a job longer than 3 months can now sit and collect foodstamps and sell them to buy beer and cigs, the other losers you are living with who are so sweet to you because they TAKE your money and kill you with kindness can continue to sit on their behinds popping out kids they can't afford"...Hope it makes you happy that I will have to leave your side and move back home so that they can continue to sit on theirs. She was speechless.

herewegoagain's picture

PS - Food stamps are one of the MAJOR reasons, if not the number one reason for the high divorce rate and deterioration of women know that even if they sit on their ass, they can move on and someone else will take care of them...before they at least had to THINK or get a JOB if they decided to divorce or risk living in a shit hole.