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Tooth fairy needs a GPS

second string's picture

SS8 lost a tooth earlier in the week and BM gave it to DH this morning. She told SS that the tooth fairy didn't come because they recently moved again (4th time in the last 18 month) and that he probably didn't know where they lived and to take it to dad's house to put under the pillow there. Really? How in the world does she not even have a dollar? Worthless POS.


imjustthemaid's picture

Wow that is petty of her. My sister did this to me once. My DD was about 9 and she spent 2 weeks at the beach with my sister and her kids. DD lost a tooth. Every night she put it under her pillow and the tooth fairy didn't come. I told my sister to please put a dollar under her pillow. After all I gave her about $300 cash for the 2 weeks. She never did it. DD brought the tooth home with her!! I was so pissed!

oneoffour's picture

My grand daughters Dad told her Santa and the tooth fairy aren't real. She rang me in tears. Stupid SOB. She is only 6!

somedevilishbeauty's picture

Last time SS lost a tooth at our house he begged both DH and I to let him wait, he wanted to show his mom his tooth and put it under his pillow at his moms house....BM got mad at us calling us cheap.... of course I went out and bought one of those singing toothbrushes for him, which cost more than what the tooth fairy would have brought him, but BM still went on and on that we just wanted her to use her own money...( her only income is child support) :?