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Vindictive exwife being thrown in jail for 7 days- contempt of court

shamds's picture

Came across this high profile case in Malaysia. An exwife of a rich businessman of one of the richest families in malaysia is being thrown in jail for contempt of court.

basically gist of the story is, her husband supposedly had an affair, wife found out and stole usb drives with video footage her hubby supposedly took, then she claimed her husband beat her in 2015(pics online she leaked showing bruises etc) despite she holding a black belt in taekwon do so courts supposedly claimed bs on that story, she claimed her exhusband managed to make court case disappear, exhusband says court dismissed it because no way he could hit his exwife that bad since she holds a black belt, all he did was self defence against her being violent against him

she leaves him, he offers a luxury home, 2 luxury cars and lump sum settlement, she refuses claiming entitlement to her ex mil future inheritance her exhubby will inherit, 7 court hearings she submits a medical certificate, judge got fedup and issued arrest warrant for her for contempt of court. She decides to play martyr and victim according to exhusband who says she would rather flip flop between moving from friends and relatives homes and rentals instead of a stable home her exhusband is gifting her.

she comes to exhusbands home immediately after split with 5-6 family members of hers to supposedly collect belongings, instead decided to get her family to bring up her being beaten and pick a fight despite this being addressed in a pending court case and exhusband having police called just to monitor things so exwife can't claim xyz. See video link below of incident

her exhusband claims her whole family are leeches freeloading off his wealth. He gave them jobs in his family business but now that he's finally divorcing her, they're greedy wanting his wealth and what he's expected to inherit of the family business when his mother dies.

exwife had many lawyers drop her as a client and she refuses to address and settle matter in court instead prolonging matters. She unilaterally reschedules exhusband visitation times and refused him to have overnight custody of their 3 kids, massive pas, claims exhusband doesn't pay cs despite exhusband providing photos of cheques made out to her lawyer and copy of court ordered cs thereby rubbishing her claims.

basically all the women who have been wronged by men or had shitty exhusbands are team exwife because they can't see things objectively.

they split in like 2015, she's making exhusbands life hell, involving his mum in court cases regarding her and exhusbands divorce settlement and custody etc. its a bloody mess.

i'm calling bullshit on her claims mainly because my husband was married to a woman like her before me so i see things differently and alot of similarities. 

she's working the social media angle and public for sympathy rather than handling through courts. Apparently she is surrendering herself tomorrow to enter jail for 1 week. She's claiming mental abuse despite clearly abusing exhubby and kids with what they've had to endure.


JRI's picture

She's delusional.  I'm glad the courts are stepping up.

justmakingthebest's picture

It's all about that big payout for some women! BM thought she was getting .5 Mil from DH. His family has big ties to Oil. All of his shares were put into his little sister's name after their dad died, so that dividends would go to helping his mom and paying for SIL's college. They have never been transfered out, therefore BM got nothing.