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sighwat2do's picture

Okay so I know I have no right to even be on this...I've read blogs and I'm not going through anything of which you speak of...but I do have a to vent about the same touchy subject simply because of the fact that it affects my relationship and future with my husband. We've been married for 2yrs and he has a 3yr old daughter that I've never met. Before we we're married he had a child that he didn't know about till a year after she was took 3 DNA test for his whore ass BM to figure out it was his. We were married already when he found out and the news almost made me vomit. I have dated guys with kids and thought I could handle it but its been a year already and I can't get over it. I can't stand the fact that he has a kid by some whore and hate it when he says he wants to be in her life. I have PTSD from my husband because he did hurtful things to me when he got back from Iraq and had a horrible notorious past for being a player. He's grownup since and I know with my whole heart he is dedicated to me. But for some reason my PTSD comes into play when he mentions his kid. I think about his past and although he's changed...I can't except the fact that he wants to be in his kids life. I feel horrible for feeling like that...but I can't help it. I shared with him how I felt and told him if I knew I couldn't get over this I should have left him from the start.I say mean things about her...its like word vomit I can't help's like trying to make him feel guilty for being so fucked up in the past. I love my husband but I feel like the more he gets involved the more I'll stray away...I feel like if I meet her I'm going to be mean and awful...He doesn't deserve to hear me say and feel such evil things...I need help!


sighwat2do's picture

I called her a whore because she deserves it...she was married at the time she hooked up with my husband and laid with three other guys claiming they where all her baby dads to get more money...not only that but she still tries hooking up with my husband and tries to make him leave me so he can take care of yes she is a disrespectful whore...I will never take that back.

unwillingparticipant's picture

Are you resentful of DH or sd3 or both? You've actually got an ADVANTAGE over most people here. We chose to get into relationships with our SO knowing full well that they had offspring. You just got blindsided and I couldn't imagine what you're feeling right now. It has to be awful. Because of all the anger and resentment you're felling, you can disengage before you even lay eyes on this child and that's going to be a tremendous help to get through all the pain and anger you have right now. It's going to be hard enough to get through it w/dh. Much less sd3.