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Class act

SisterNeko's picture

They had parent teacher conference the other day. I didn't go but ss6 wanted to so FDH took him. He said that BM didn't appear happy about that but a lit of parents take the kids. I think it's good fir them to hear everything, good and bad.

BM started off by asking the teacher if there was anything that ss6 was good at? Which translated means 'is my child stupid'? He report card wasn't promising to say the least but it was said that he is 'developing'. The teacher didn't seem to be worried about his attention, which we have been concerned about. But she did say that some times it takes him so long to get ready to go out side that he misses resess completely. Which FDH warned BM that he needs to do thing on his own more. BM does everything fir him.

FDH said that BM seemed upset with him, not that he cared. Probably because we have been ignoring her. She took ss6 to the book fair while they were there and got 30 bucks worth of over priced books which got sent home with FDH even though ss6 told her that he has more books at our house than hers. Smile

BM txt'ed today to see if FDH wanted to boys for thanksgiving. Usually she keeps them because FDH's family doesn't celebrate it. They go hunting instead. My used to but we are so spread out now that I just go over to my mom's for a light meal. So really we don't need the kids. But I do t think BM wants them either. I told FDH to tell her we would be out of town, if she wants us to have them it would have to be all day.

Last night we caught BM in a lie. She swears ss4 is potty trained at her house but when ss4 had an accident and we could find the dirty underwear, ss6 told us to look in the trash because that is what he did once at mom's house. He thought it was a pull up.