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why does everyone beleive BM?

SisterNeko's picture

It dawned on me the other day that SS4 - who was slated to start 'transitioning' into 4k mid-term as was stated in his IEP meeting last fall - never made the transition. When I asked FDH he said that in the parent teacher conference not to long ago the teacher said that 'they' changed their minds about it because they were afraid ss4 couldn't handle the change mid-year.

First of all I asked FDH why he wasn't part of that 'we' and why weren't informed of the change?

Where BM comes into to play - she tells everyone that SS4 flips out if someone changes his routine or around strangers and I know BM calls the teacher - a lot - but I also know that it's complete BS. I just don't get why everyone believe BM when she says that SS4 is so bad/ can't do anything (he has been labeled with HIGH functioning Autism - but is getting better IMO).

How I know it's BS - this winter we took SS4 to meet the rest of my family - and he LOVED it! He met a lot of people for the first time and went to their houses. He never once threw a fit. Grant it they were all nice people and they welcomed him. But still. Now that is not to say that once upon a time SS4 didn't have issues but now it doesn't seem to be an issue. The first time I took him to my parents house he did throw a fit and I left him in the entry way until he decided to come in. But that was 1.5 years ago.

Even at school last year on picture day SS4 (3 at the time) threw a fit, but FDH asked them to try again this year (BM didn't even want to try) and he LOVED it, teacher even said that he ASKED the photographer to take another picture of him.

There are times that I wish you could take SS4 from a year ago and SS4 now and put them side by side. OMG what a difference you would see. But that might just be at our house... SS6 has said that SS4 still sometimes throws fits at BM's, which I think is just because it still works with her. But it doesn't work at our house and it doesn't work at school.

I told FDH in the next IEP meeting he needs to say something about the IEP's not being followed (2nd time in a row that something changed after the meeting and no one told him) and continued to tell them all the great things that SS4 does at our house.

I am waiting to see what drama unfolds Thursday - SS4 has an appt. with the neurologist (which BM had canceled a few weeks ago) BM already shut the door in FDH's face this weekend when he said that he wasn't sure that he could get off work - he is really busy right now - to go with her. I think she is afraid to take him by herself because last year FDH took him (by himself) and he got a good report and the Dr. suggested a few things about BM being untruthful in the report. FDH is going to call the doc to see how the appt. goes because we can't trust BM to tell us the truth. Is it bad that I think it will be funny if everything goes wrong for BM, when FDH did so goo last year?


PeanutandSons's picture

My guess would be that they all believe bm, cause she is the one they hear from. Squeeky wheel gets the grease. DH could have been proactive and called the school and asked when exactly the transition would start, how they'd accomplish it, how it was going , what he could do from home to help the transition ect ect. But he didn't and the decision was already made by the time the teacher conference came up.

The school will not get involved between two parents. Sounds like she was the one always at the school talking to them, so hers was to opinion they went with. To them she probably appeared to be the primary parent.

SisterNeko's picture

I am sure that you are write - and I think FDH is still learned that he has be involved more with these things instead of that 'oh we'll see what happens' attitude.