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I caught BM playing favs

SisterNeko's picture

But she doesn't know that I did. Smile

The boys (6 and 4) are do to have spring pics taken and FDH wants them because the fall photos where Awful! So at first BM was asking how to split up the cost - she wanted to each pay half but FDH was like no you buy one set and I will get the other so She told FDH to pay for SS4's. She sent the stuff over Sunday and SS6's was all ready fill out and sealed. SS4's was fill out but not sealed. She told FDH that it was $40 bucks. But the package she picked was $32 bucks, with $8 bucks for retouching. Well I held the sealed envelope up to the light and she only paid $32 for SS6's - no retouching for him. But she wanted FDH to pay for retouching on SS4's. We fixed the form and paid the $32. Fair is fair.

And was just shocked that she called and asked about it. Usually she just fills it out and send it in but I think her and her hubby are having money issues. FDH said that her hubby asked him one day how much he made and how people can live on one income (because I am not working but looking). We also live within our means.


always wrong's picture

We live within our means.... we have a modest home, not a HUGE home to show off to friends and family. I have had my Truck for 12 years, 12, it has over 100,000 miles on it and I don't have a new one. My DH is driving a 6 year old car with 180,000 miles on it. We clip coupons. We don't purchase just for the hell of purchasing and we don't try to one up everyone we know because we don't care what anyone has.

Most people live in huge homes, have new cars, buy their bratty kids everything they could possible want, 4 wheelers, Ipods, laptops, video games to name a few. Then they wonder why they are broke.

So, yes living within your means IS possible. If you don't get the concept, then you probably don't live within your means.

always wrong's picture

Oh, Sorry, I guess I didn't pick up on that. BM didn't work when she was married to my DH. They had a huge house that was expensive to heat and maintain. He worked on the road while she slept around. She expected everyone to hand her things. She has asked us to pay half of her Parent Plus Loan for College, because "we have two incomes" She works part time and has never had anything to call her own. Lives with her 60 year old boyfriend in his house. BM says that I took on the responsibility when I married DH. BM also used SD money to pay off her portion of parent plus loan. She doesn't know what living in her means is. Sorry to offend.

Holly's picture

I'm guessing she was being sarcastic....

isn't "living within your means" that concept that only applies to step parents? Something BM's can gleefully ignore as they dance into court for yet another upwards adjustment in CS.......


SisterNeko's picture

It's the little things that add up for our BM in the money department - yeah we live within our means. Sadly i knew what was going to happen because BM did it to FDH when they were married. She started a new full-time job and is supposedly making more that she was last year, her hubby works with FDH and makes less than FDH does. I feel bad for her hubby because she has started to sell off this things because 'they need the money'. He told FDH that she sold his snowmobile, but they never used it any way. And SS6 asked me the other day what WE were going to sell because he though WE needed money. I told him that we weren't selling anything and we had money.

And looking at her you really wouldn't think that she 'spoils' herself but she nickle a dimes herself to death. Her van is junk and her house is small.

These are what screw her and her hubby with money - IMO.

She likes to move every 2 years (or so) so she has no equity in her house.
She buys over prices used cars that need work.
She feeds the kids fast food 3 to 4 times a week - that adds up.
She orders stuff out of EVERY book order the school sends home.
She buy SS6 a new (or used) video game at least once a month or rents them.
She frequently colors her hair.
She wears a gallon of make-up every day.
Tons of new clothes for her of course.

And sadly when ever the boys need something she goes out and buys it and then whines to use that she had to get them something, but she never tells us until she does it and when we do notice something and get it, she sends it back to our house and buys them another one. Like SS4 needed a new coat so we got him one and sent it to her house, the next week she sent him over with another (new) coat and our coat in a bag.

SisterNeko's picture

It also worth noting that - we live within our means.

We still live in the same house FDH had when I met him - we would like to move but again we haven't been here long enough to get out ahead so we stay. I have a nice car that I bought new 6 years ago - it's paid off because I was working back then. FDH has an old truck and we are working on paying it off before we trade it in. I cook meals at home at least 5 nights a week if not more. I haven't gotten new clothes in a long time.