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Note to BM - becareful what you say infront of a 6 year old

SisterNeko's picture

I know that SS6 loves to talk, so I make it a point to only say things in front of him that I want BM to know and/or don't care if she hears.

I was watching SS6 today for BM after school, like I have been since I got laid off. Well SS6 was getting his shoes on BM handed me a check since I won't be able to watch him the rest of the week, and hell yeah I am having her pay me to baby sit. She asked if a check was okay or if she needed to pay me cash, adding that she didn't want to mess up my unemployment. Of course BF and I never said that I had gotten laid off but BM had found out when I tried to 'claim' the baby sitting as income - my mistake I know. But I just blew it off and told her a check was fine.

Well... SS6 chimes in with "Mom shouldn't have to pay you." BM started stuttering and was like, "don't say that hunny." I just laughed and said, "Well Christmas is coming don't you want me to have money?" She smiled and was all excited.

Then on they way out the door I said my bye and BM told me to have a good time on my 'trip'. I said 'I will'. She doesn't need to know EVERYTHING about me, BF just told her that i couldn't watch him because I had plans with my mother, it's a thing we do every year.

But before I got laid of we were playing her new MIL (SS6's new step-grandma) to watch the boys, tell me what is the difference? I am not even officially their step-mom yet. And he LOVEs to tell SS6 that I am NOT his mother Smile


SisterNeko's picture

Yep that is my rule. If BF is not here and it's just me then she has to pay me, and it's not a lot either, it's $10 bucks a day for about an hour, some times 2. It covers my time and a light snack.

It's just funny because she tells SS6 that I am not his mother, never will be and to always call me by name. Not that I care what he calls me (I am pro choice). But the minute she needs something I am the world greatest step mom. That last time she txt'ed me that I txt'ed back - I am not their step mom. lol (at least not officially yet any way)

Of course you also have to take what a 6 year old says with a grain of salt. He has told BM that BF and I are getting married, engaged, having a baby, getting a kitten, moving, I play video games for a living... ect. All of which is not 100% true, but we have talked about all of those things in front of him at some point I am sure. And yes some times I do it just to mess with her, because she believe everything he says and freaks out about it Smile

I do however believe that she said that about me getting paid because the look on her face was priceless.