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O/T Grandma is a drama queen like BM

SisterNeko's picture

OMG FDH's grandma is a treat - she really reminds me of BM, which may be why Gma liked BM.

It has always driven me nuts - FDH doesn't even like his own Gma mind you - but she is gma so we try to be nice.

I'll get to what she did this weekend but here is just a sample of the things that have gone on with Gma just since I met FDH.

- at first she told FDH that I wasn't the girl for him because she didn't like my parents. My parents are friends with FDH's parents and she doesn't think they should have friends (i guess).

- the 2nd time that I was camping with them Gma got is a huge fight with FDH's dad right in front of me and then FDH's Aunt (gma' fav daughter and the one that everyone hates) tried to talk to ME about their family issues. FDH told her to get away from me.

- then after like 6 months of dating (we really hit it off) FDH's cousin got engaged and his Gma asked FDH in front of me how he planned to top that - the ring and how he proposed. I looked at her and told her that I didn't realize it was a competition.

- And like BM, Gma thinks the world of SS4 - because he is 'special needs' - and ignores ss6. I made her mad a few months ago when I told her that SS4 was doing better and will start kindergarten on schedule. The next time we saw her she ignored Ss4.

- the short story is that Gma doesn't like FDH's mom. Last fall Gma's house burnt down and FDH's parents let her and Gpa live with them for a year and the only thing they did was complain.

- another short story Gma's fav daughter has a son that is 'special needs' - they said that he is autistic, but he is 17-18 years old. He broke in to FDH's parents house and stole FDH's mother's UNDERWEAR! (more than once) they finally set ups camera's and caught him on TAPE but Gma refused to believe them and doesn't understand why FDH's mom doesn't want to be around that kid/guy.

So this weekend was the wedding for that cousin that got engaged. At the church we all went over to the bathrooms and we walked past Gma and Gpa but they were sitting with that kid and his mom so of course FDH's parents went and sat on the OTHER side of the church. As we were walking by the i heard FDH say 'hi gma' and we both waved then we went to the back of the church to sit because we had the boys and we weren't sure what SS4 would do.

At the reception Gma was telling EVERYONE that NO ONE said hi to her at the church. So when FDH bumped into her in the hall and said 'oh hi gma' and she said ' oh nice of you to finally say hi'. FDH snapped at her that he DID say hi to her at the church, then stormed off.

The kicker is she was so worried about what every one had done to her that she let herself slide, at the reception (which was at a casino) they came in with the fav daughter and her family, they ate food and then left. The didn't stay for the first dance - or any of the dancing. The groom even asked were gma was. And FDH's aunt (the grooms mother) was in tears because they weren't there for the party. Toward the end of the night the bride and groom left and brought back $5 free-play card for the guests. I guess some one went and found gam and gave her a few - well 10 mins later gma came back to the party and asked for more, and then left again.

I was just blown away, I told FDH that if she did anything like that at OUR wedding she will be asked to leave. It's our day not hers, there is no need for that drama. It was supposed to be about the bride and groom not her.