So frustrated over SS6's sleep problems
Any advice is welcome at this point. FDH and I are at our wits end with SS6 and his sleep/tired issues. First I will explain what we think the issue is...
When ss6 gets over tired he get whiny, argumentative, pouty, and just a general pain in the butt where nothing pleases him or he goes into zombie mode. I have been saying to months that there is something wrong, he never seems to get enough sleep regardless of what time we put him to bed. He is constantly fighting it, if you ask him if he is tired he says no and 5 mins later yawns and you can tell by the look in his eyes that he is tired. If you tell him to take a nap he cries or pouts then refuses to lay down, the minute he does he is out.
We put him in bed at the same time every night and I finally broke him of waking me up in the morning (usually just to tell me that he has to potty) - he has an alarm and knows not to come get me until it goes off at 6:30 (school days only other wise no alarm put he can tell time) other wise he would come me sometimes as early as 5 am. But this am I heard him come into our room and stand there, then leave (at around 4 something - i tended to be asleep) and then when FDH got up at 5:30 he said the SS6 was sitting on his bed doing nothing so he told him to lay down. Some mornings, he shuts his alarm off before it even buzzes.
It's affecting him IMO he never has the energy to do anything any more, we played out side in the snow the other day for 45 mins and he was DONE. He never wants to do anything but watch TV and play video games (because the stimulate him)
Another frustration is FDH wants to ask SS6's doctor when he goes him for his yearly check up but BM always goes and she insists that there is nothing wrong and that he sleeps fine at her house, but she leaves the TV on all night so when she does wake up he watches TV and doesn't bother her - he told me that he does.
He also comes in when FDH is there in the middle of the night and 'claims' to have a nightmare but the next day i ask him and he tells me about the dream, it was just a dream not really a nightmare. Like one time he said he dreamed that he lost a toy or something. Seriously? That is not an nightmare.
UGH - so frustrating. I told FDH the other day that I just wanted to give him something so he would have one good night of sleep but I know that I can't (with out a doc's approval).
This is what we HAVE tried:
- Regular bed time.
- NO TV's on at night.
- We put him in bed 30 mins early to 'whine down'.
- We always make him potty before bed.
- Alarm clock.
- SisterNeko's blog
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yeah I have Narcolepsy and I
yeah I have Narcolepsy and I had a sleep study done on myself. They are interesting. I can't see BM going for it though. She flipped when we wanted him tested for neurological issues because he does this weird things where he runs around and flaps his arms - which now we thing may be because he is over tired.
FDH is gonna try to go to the check up and he is going to ask the doc, regardless of what BM says I hope they look in to it.
It's also worth noting that FDH said BM has a history of sleep issues in her family, I guess she had a uncle that went crazy because he wasn't sleeping - he got paranoid.
How much exercise is he
How much exercise is he getting during the day?
at our house we try to get
at our house we try to get him up and moving. We play out side as much as weather allows and we limit his video game time. I am working on a plan for the summer too, with lots of long walks.
It's 50/50 Legal and
It's 50/50 Legal and Psychical custody so FDH can't do much with out the OK from Bm and visa versa. They have to agree to test him and he can't get BM to agree. We are hoping if we bring it up in front of a doctor, then the doctor can explain to her the seriousness of it and the reasons to test.
It sounds like he has a
It sounds like he has a sleeping disorder.
and BM should not be allowing a child to sleep with a TV on. that is part of the problem. the TV is to stimulating and it doesnt allow the brain to rest and wind down. there have been studies on how watching TV, looking at phones, ect an hour before sleeping will cause you to stay awake longer.
there are just the top three articles I have found.
Here are a few clinics that are located in Wisconsin. You guys need to put pressure on BM about this. It can get worse.
I am not sure, I ask him
I am not sure, I ask him about them and they don't sound too terrifying to me. One time I was telling FDH that I had a weird dream the night before and SS6 chimed in with "was it a nightmare?" I said no it was just a weird dream, and I told him about it. So I am not sure if he think every dream is a nightmare or if he understand that only the bad/scary ones are nightmares.
Stop all electronic gadgets
Stop all electronic gadgets (video games, computer, smart phones, etc)
Cut out all soda and junk food, artificial dyes, caffeine (chocolate, cola, etc) fast foods, sweets
Check for food allergies
Make sure he gets lots of physical activity during the day
TV limited to half hour a day right after homework; not just before bedtime
Read, read, READ at night instead of anything electronic
we'll try this. though WE
we'll try this. though WE don't feed him a lot of 'crap' as it is now.
He is supposed to read 20 mins a night so we'll try watching the reading and the TV time. Thanks.
***Update*** This weekend we
This weekend we ran SS6 ragged. FDH took him sledding, ice fishing, and to play with his cousin. SS6 was so tires his eye were burning/watering and he cried easily (he didn't want to leave) He still fought the sleep, he did fall asleep in the truck on way home but only for about 20 mins. then we put him in bed on time and he was out, but he still got up at 4am to use the bathroom and was in our room at 7 on the dot to let us know that it was time to get up. The next day he fought us on taking a nap but we won, he quickly fell asleep and then slept for 2 hours before we wake him up and it wasn't easy to get him back up he fell back asleep twice.