Way to put me on the spot DH and BM
DH asked me to take Ss8 to his therapy appointment yesterday. He asked BM but she said she was busy. So I said I would, in reality I am pretty much the only one that takes him.
Well Ss8 had some testing done a month and a half ago and additional therapy was suggested. Therapist had been sent a copy of the results but when I got there she came out and asked me what exactly 'we' wanted to focus on in these sessions. She knows that I am the step mom. I was just kind of shocked that no one had bothered to at least call her and tell her their concerns and what to focus on.
So we talked about the testing, I had been there for it. She wasn't surprised by the results and claims she kind of knew and it looked like I did too. They tested the parent there to see where our concerns lie. She commented the BM didn't seem to have a clue. I on the other hand had been on par with her own concerns. I told her what DH and BM had said in the testing to give her some direction for this session. Of course ss8 is standing there for all of this and chiming in. I know it's not my place to make this call but they out me on the spot. I told her that I would have DH call her and leaving her a message.
To too off my day we had to drive by BM's house more than once since it's on they way to and from the therapist office and her car was there both times! I know that doesn't mean she didn't have something going on but what is more important than your child. DH said when she went by later her car was gone.
I was mad when he got home I told him he owed me. He said that he didn't even think to call the therapist and tell her what to work on. But I am pretty sure I suggested they met with her first.
- SisterNeko's blog
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OH that has got to suck! You
OH that has got to suck! You are a great SM for taking your SS to his appointment. If I were you I would let me Dh know that BM car was there Both Times and he should talk to her about making SS a priority. Sorry, But I too have dealt with this kind of thing in the past and it was simply laziness on the other parent's behalf of why they couldn't take their child to wherever they needed to go.
I know you said you don't know if she was really busy or not, which is true, she could possibly really have been busy. But you guys will never really know unless BM is put on the spot and outright asked. and make sure to let her know, " well your house was on the way to the appt, and we saw your car there both times,..... " so she knows you know she was there, or at least her car was anyway. and maybe you guys can make some headway with this. I can tell by your post this obviously upsets you. I wish you the best of luck with this one.
i was upset, you know as a
i was upset, you know as a step mom we are constantly reminded that we dont have any rights and are really parents, yet these parents don't really seem to care about their own kids.
I told DH and he wants to ask but doesn't know how with out making it sound like I was stalking her. I told him that is the most logical route too and from the office to our house, yeah I didn't have to look at her house but I was curious.
On the way home I tried to get SS8 to notice but he is completely clueless. He was talking and looked at the house but didn't see the car. I should have just said "hey isn't that your mom's car at her house?" I would love to see her explain it to him, he loves her and just wants to be with her so bad but she never has time for him.
Bm is up to something but we aren't sure what, not that we care about her personal life but when it comes to the kids we care. She can keep the rest of her drama.
well that is what i heard but
well that is what i heard but not exactly what she said.
It was more along the lines of... that her and I seemed to be on the same page but BM and even DH to some extent were a little less aware of the issues which she chalks up to most parents not really wanting to admit there is a problem with their child.
I don't think SS8 will tell BM, part of his issues is ADHD so it probably won't remember to tell her or if he does he won't recall exactly what was said. He informed me yesterday that there was a pizza party he wanted to go to but couldn't remember the date or time.
and thanks, I need lots of luck which is why I also started seeing a therapist