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Thankful newest hurdle over

SituationalTourettes's picture

Weekend turned out better than expected.

Practiced disengement Friday. Weird but worked well in keeping me calm. Saturday was interesting in that while I wasn't planning on attending basketball game for FSS12 due to BM, FSS asked me to go along. If it meant that much to him, I was going. All 3 of my bios came too with FDH and myself and of course FSD15 who was very tense. Precious Mommy sat in front of us w Doofus BF and we simply ignored each other. After game she was outta there like a shot even leaving BF behind on his crutches lol.

Spent most of Sat day with my 2 daughters shopping and having fun. During dinner prep, had long, sometimes loud and tearful (for FSD) throw down about that tweet and last Saturday debacle. In short, I explained to her that she is a child, her BM, father and I are adults and what happens between us is none of her business. We are adults and no matter what all 3 of us love her. Whether her mother and I get along is irrelevant. I will always love her even if she posts bs about me on social media. Doesn't mean I won't react or disconnect. But I will love her because I think of her like one of my own.

She flat out asked if I was jealous of her mom and I answered truthfully. Not in the way she thinks I am. I am jealous of the TIME she had with my FDH. The firsts they shared and the fact they did have kids together. I won't share a child with him due to practical reasons and finances. I clued her in though that her dad is just as "jealous" of my ex husband for the same reason. Told her no, not concerned her dad will leave me for her mother. It's just I won't be able to share those things with FDH so it makes me sad.

At FDHs request, he asked me to help him explain boundaries to her regarding exes. I tried to do so and she seemed to get it. After all the talking, tears, and arguing was over, we were better. Today was much better and we went to shooting range - I know I know, some people think it's an odd family hobby but my FDH is former military and I want my kids at least familiar with guns for safety reasons. We took the two older kids FSD and My son 16. Younger ones stayed home. We had fun and by time we were done with lunch there was a lot of laughter and fun again.

I know this is an evolving process esp with teens. Going to still keep the disengement to a certain extent and I'm sure BM isn't done with her ever changing crap too.

Thanks for the support through this bump in the road, ladies!


SituationalTourettes's picture

Lol oh trust me I laughed. Well more shook my head and told her I truly have no idea where she and her older sis got that feeling at all. I asked her if she truly wanted me to list the reasons why I wasn't jealous of her mother in the manner she thinks and she back pedaled immediately. I doubt she'd truly wanna hear how I feel I compare to her idiot mother.

This is a pretty intelligent young woman who sees through her mothers bs. Problem is that FDH never stated clearly that this was none of the kids business. He said he honestly thought that was understood. Testosterone brain damage I told him. Same thing w BM. Uh, hell yeah you have to state things in black and white!