thank you and a blog
I'm so glad I found this site and I appreciate all the good advice everyone has given me through the months! This is such a great place to know that I'm not alone in how I feel...somedays I feel like such a horrible person because I have never disliked anyone as much as BM...and as I read other Stepparent's blogs about how BM did this and BM did that, or skid is acting out and is out of's so hard not to want to ring these BM's necks because I don't think they realize that all the scheming, and game playing, the manipulation, the hurt they cause everyone involved is affecting their own children...I don't know if they're blind or they just don't care.
I'm a BM myself and have to deal with a BD that is an alcoholic, he was abusive to me, and he can't hold a job to pay child support...and still I say nothing...I let him do his thing. I'm not going to play games, I'm not going to manipulate. I don't let him visit her because he's an alcoholic who sleeps all day and his current girlfriend stabbed him a couple months ago so the visitations to his house are now over. I don't even know how to get a hold of my daughter's own father cause he doesn't have a phone and he lives 50 miles away...he hasn't talked to me in almost 7 months..he doesn't even know his own daughter is in therapy for being sexually abused. If he wants to see her he has to see her over at our place or he has to get supervised visitation...he doesn't make attempts anyway, I have to call HIM to see if he wants to see her. So I've let it's out of my control and my fiancee does a great job at being a father figure. So yeah, I have my own issues, but BM and FSS outweight the issues I have with my daughter...
I wish BM knew what she was doing to her child...he's started wetting the bed, he has an attitude from hell now..things have to go his way or he throws a fit, he will not share anything so feelings get hurt everytime he's here. I find it sad that noone is teaching him these basic things in life. He still talks like he's two and he's 5...he doesn't speak in complete sentences...but than again from what I've observed I'm the only one that consistantly corrects him, isn't that what parents are supposed to do when they're child is learning to speak? It's what I did...I feel like I'm the only one that cares about how FSS is going to turn out in the future...everyone else lives in the now and seems to not think about the things they do and how it will cause him to turn out in a couple years...but I guess he's not my child or my family so why should I care anymore? I care because he interacts with MY daughter...and he hurts her feelings alot of the time even though he's younger than her with his spoiled brat attitude...Even every other weekends I don't want to subject her to his little games...
- sixxnguns's blog
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Right back atcha...
thank you for all your comments as well.
I'm sorry that you are having such turmoil in your home and life for that matter. I know what it's like to have a (bio)father not care about his child. No matter how hard you try, you'll never be able to compensate that absence in their life. But you can love them as much as you can and keep reiterating the fact that it's not THEIR fault daddy doesn't want to come around - it's HIS loss. Encourage perserverance and being a survivor not a victim of this uncontrolled's hard, I know.
((((((HUGS))))))) to you and I hope your day only gets better.....
"Life isn't about waiting for the storm to pass...It's about learning to dance in the rain."
Hang in there
Sorry Sixxn, I did not realize you had so much on you. I knew part of what you said but not all. I am glad you chose not to battle with BD even though it is not fair. All that is a lot for one woman to bear, and I will pray for you all.
And, you are extremely generous to look out for your SS on top of everything else. I feel the same way, if it was up to their parents, my SD would be illiterate and dropped out of school already.
But even though we will probably NEVER get credit for doing this stuff, God sees it and he knows we did it, and we ourselves know it too and that it is the right thing to do. Now CONTINUING to do it, the jury is still out on . . . ! ha ha, that is a joke kind of
"Fortune favors the brave" - Virgil
it's all good though
I try and make the best of things I grew up without a father and I did and still do have my share of problems but I try to do the best I can for my daughter...I don't know why I feel responsible for teaching FSS manners and basic moral standards, maybe because noone else is and I want him to have a chance at growing up to be a good person? But the way it's looking none of it has sunk in nor will it probably ever sink in. While he was here 50/50 I had taught him table manners...he spent 3 weeks with his mom after fiancee signed over physical custody..he came back for the weekend and they had all disappeared. I feel like giving up because it never sinks in, but than in the end I'll probably feel guilty cause FSS doesn't have anyone teaching him the basics
keep trying if you can
Like my grandmother used to say, 'you will earn your reward in heaven'
"Fortune favors the brave" - Virgil