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Secure and at peace

SMIT's picture

Hi, all:

I really want to thank everybody out there for reading and offering opinions and support! I often feel like I can't really vent to anybody I know--my fam might jump to conclusions that things aren't so great (even though they are); my girlfriends are either on first marriages, divorced and not remarried, or divorced and remarried to guys who didn't make them stepmoms. You all understand what it's like being a stepmom and I especially appreciate you girls who, like me, don't have biokids. I feel much less insane when I come here and read your posts and write my own. Smile

I'm happy to report that since things quieted down after our May wedding, I've had a much more secure, happy, peaceful feeling about my SS's mommy. While I still keep her at arm's length and won't be shocked if/when she next says or does something silly, I don't feel the animosity toward her that I did before. Silly as it may be, it's as though I "needed" to cement my husband's and my relationship with the sacramental and legal "stuff."

My husband and I are soooooooooo blessed with strong faith, each other, a wonderful kid, a beautiful house, jobs we mostly enjoy, families we love, and outstanding friends. Something finally opened my eyes to all of the GOOD and let me decide to let go of anything biomom has done to annoy me. I was making myself and my darling husband miserable getting upset about her. I have so much that she doesn't have and I've decided to be grateful for it instead of feeling, well, almost hateful toward her.

Just needed to get all of that out. Thanks, again, for being there. Have a safe and happy 4th of July weekend!

SMIT Smile


Nise's picture

SMIT! Your epiphany is sooooooo wonderfully refreshing! Way ta go!!!!! Tough times WILL come but when you can face them with the knowledge that your life is BLESSED beyond the scope of anything the two of you might face, you have already won the war!

happy mom's picture

Good for you SMIT...It's a great feeling when you're happy finally. I too reflect on the things I have w/my husband and I'm very fortunate that he is a hard worker and loves me very much. We try not to let the ex bother our happy lives. She'll always be a thorn in our view, we just can't wait til' my stepson is 18 and we no longer have to deal with that witch. 8 more years,,,and counting down. Keep up the happiness and take care of your husband.

alaw1981's picture

It is good to be here in a community with other step parents who are in the same stage of life and situation. Have a safe 4th to you and everyone else as well. Thanks and cheers to everyone.