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"What would happen if I punched you in your stomach?"

SMto3's picture

SS15 asked me this week.
"Your sister would die", I responded.
"Would you still have to give birth?" he asked.
"Yes, I would have to give birth to a dead baby." I said

This is so strange to me because he gives off all the "right" cues, calls me Mom at times (which I absolutely do not encourage), and talks to me about events in school. Just when I think we're developing a pretty solid relationship, he goes and asks me this. I told SO about it, and he kind of sucked his teeth and said he doesn't think SS15 knows what he is asking me. I think 15 years old is pretty grown and I wonder what he's thinking of to ask me something like that. Then people wonder why some SM's cannot love a skid like their own. After the fact, I though that I wish I would have responded with something like "What do you think would have happened to your mom if someone punched her in the stomach while she was pregnant with you?" Just to give him a different perspective on what he's asking me but of course, even if I would have thought of it, I probably wouldn't have done it.

A couple of weeks ago, he saw me on a website also looking at baby stuff and noticed that I was looking at like a North face onesie to take her home in which was about 100 or 200 bucks and he makes a comment about how that's too expensive. I explained that actually, being a female is probably cheaper clothing wise because of how I shop. I said the only thing that may cost a little will be getting her hair done every now and then. He says "Well if Daddy gives you money to get her hair done, he's going to have to give me money to get my hair done too."

Last week was his birthday and he asked for a pair of Jordans that are 550 dollars which we of course didn't get him. I asked him why he wanted those sneakers and he said "It's because of the history". I asked what the history was and he said that "The Champagne Jordans originate from when Jordan won a game and had champagne".

All in all, he's not a terrible kid, he doesn't talk back, has a helpful attitude in general, but he has his moments that annoy the crap out of me.

In the better news department, SS9 is turning out to be an amazing big brother. He loves all baby things and can't wait to meet his sister.


Sports Fan's picture

Okay, at 15 those are not innocent questions. He is jealous of the new baby. I would be very careful around this child.

AllySkoo's picture

THIS, times maybe a million. Be very, VERY careful of leaving your baby alone with him. At FIVE he might not have "known what he was asking". At 15? He knew. He SO knew. And he said it on purpose.

Honestly, if it had been me I don't think I would have had a snappy comeback, but I damn well would have said something like, "I beg your pardon? You better not be punching ANYONE, is that clear? You're old enough to be arrested for that you know."

zerostepdrama's picture

#1- he is old enough to know better then to ask that.

#2- He is probably jealous- is he an only child?

#3- Why spend that much money on a dang onesis? Do they really cost that much?

SMto3's picture

Hey zero, he's the first of 3 so far and he's very good on the outside with SS9, who he shares a mom with. However, at times it seems like he still has issues getting over not being the only one. Case in point, a couple months ago, he starts talking randomly about how he remembers when him and SO watched all the episodes of a certain cartoon and SS9 says "Oh I remember" and SS15 tells him that this happened before SS9 was born "when it was just me and Daddy". Of course, SS9 looks hurt because it was never just him and Daddy but this is a small example of who SS15 is at times. I also feel like he kind of overcompensates on the outside to hide whats going on inside. Like he'll put a pic up on his phone of SS4 as a screensaver to get "good" attention from SO.
As for the onesie, it's a onesie snow coat thing. Like a coat thats a onesie. I was just looking at it, I don't think I'm going to get it because I know she'll outgrow it fast and its pricey. But the truth is, I'm already 7 months and have only bought her a blanket. My friends and family have probably bought me enough clothing for the first year so that's kind of the excuse I have in my head IF I were to decide to get it, which again, I don't think I'll practically go ahead and do. I feel like I can probably splurge on one little thing, but then again, I know I can put the money to better use! The point for me though is that I normally do not shop expensive at all (my registry is a Walmart one), but it feels like SS15 is tallying everything up in his head of what he *thinks* his dad is giving to the baby and I don't let him know it, but this is actually *my* personal savings I was going to use for my own kid. I'm just so tired of these random moments of competition!

zerostepdrama's picture

Odd- I was thinking with him being an only child, he may be feeling some jealousy and that was his way of dealing with it.

Oh I get ya on the onesis thing. I was like a dang onesis from there costs THAT much? My ExMIL bought my BS TWO very expensive snowsuits his first winter. I still have them even though I am not having anymore kids. I just feel like I cant part with them because they were so expensive. LOL.

Jsmom's picture

Resale those. I just went and had taken a lot of baby stuff and teen stuff to Plato's closet and they gave me cash....

zerostepdrama's picture

Yeah but Once Upon a Child hear gives you crap. Like oh you paid $80 for that? Let me give you $5 and then resale it for $40. LOL.

SMto3's picture

I went into the Children's Place this year for SS9 and I loved their stuff. Think I'll go online and see what they have! Thanks!

Ninji's picture

One of the many reasons I will never have a child with SO. SS8 is always in trouble for chocking or hitting the dogs and cat (When they growl at him, he crys cause the "animals don't like him". Wonder why jerk.) Imagine what he would do to a baby.

kathc's picture

Why the hell are you continuing to allow the child to be around the pets to choke and hit them? Are you kidding me?

WTF...REALLY's picture

If I had been asked this question, I really would of answered "You would have the living shit beaten out of you and you would be kicked out of this house. That is what would happen if you punched me in the stomach. Amy other questions?"

All the while starring him down. That's what I would of done.

SMto3's picture

I love this too. I really wish I would have thought of this one. This would give him incentive on not to even think along those lines.

SMto3's picture

I want to bring it back up but I don't want him to know I gave it so much head space, kwim? I think I'll do it by saying something like what you posted, but saying that I saw a show on television where kid got sent to jail for hurting a pregnant person or something to that effect.

SMto3's picture

SO can be very selective about what he wants to believe about SS15 because I think he has some residual guilty parenting thing going on plus SS15 is very good at manipulating him, shit I think sometimes he even manipulates me into thinking "he's not such a bad kid". Only difference is, I pay attention to those not so innocent questions and remarks SS15 makes and I know how to read between the lines. I just hope it doesn't take tragedy for SO to see what this kid can be capable of. I'm going to protect mine to the full extent but I can't say the same of the others.

kathc's picture

Your SO needs to yank off his blinders and have a little chat with his "baby". The kid is 15 years old. He knows DAMN WELL what he said to you. Unless he's mentally challenged in a severe way, he KNOWS.

Your SO also needs to explain to him that it's none of his damn business what gets bought for the baby and what gets spent on the baby. It's not his child, he's not supporting her, it's none of his damn business. Your SO needs to make this one crystal fucking clear before she is born.

He also needs to make it absolutely, sparkling clear that if SS ever harms one hair on you or that baby that the police will be called, daddy will NOT bail him out, he will go to jail.

SMto3's picture

Kath, SS9 even knows! SS9 was there when SS15 asked that, after we all said what we said he said "Daddy will kill you if you do that" and SS15's response was kinda like "I Know, I was just asking". I honestly don't know if he was trying to be funny or what, but I'm not stupid and even if that was his idea of humor, it doesn't come from a good place. At all. Like I said, it feels sometimes like it's going to take something huge for SO to see what he's supposed to in regards to SS15 but time will tell what that thing will be. Like I said, I'm protecting my daughter with all I can.

DaizyDuke's picture

All in all, he's not a terrible kid

I beg to differ asking you horrible questions like that. And your DH is a fool with his "he didn't know what he was saying" comment. My FOUR year old would certainly know that you would not punch anyone, much less a female, much less a pregnant female.

Just w.o.w.

SMto3's picture

Daizy, with skids, I'm realizing that they don't know a lot of things MOST 4 year olds already know. If I start a list on that it would fill another blog!

Aeron's picture

Yep, my response would have been "I call the cops and you will be arrested, thrown in jail and never allowed in my house again."

Would not trust this kid with your baby Ever.

momandmore's picture

:jawdrop: At 15yo my SS isn't the brightest but if he said anything like that to me especially while I was pg with LO, DH would have handed him his ass so fast he wouldn't know which way was up!

momandmore's picture

Sorry for my immediate response.. I'm just floored that SS would say that esp. at that age. After re-reading your post it sounds like there may be some jealousy issues.. maybe? I know I don't know your SS but I had this happen with SD's. I thought the youngest would be jealous b/c she was the baby of the family and didn't rub and talk to my belly like other SD did. It actually turned out to be the other way around so I have to watch LO extra close when MSD is in the room.

Good Luck!

SMto3's picture

Its okay, trust me I was speechless when he asked me that. I also thought the younger one would be jealous and initially he seemed to be, but now he's the one cooing over baby clothes and rubbing my belly all day. The older one is a different story. He acts nice, but there's just a gut feeling I get that he's not 100 percent there.

SMto3's picture

This is what I'm hoping will happen. One of my younger brothers was born when I was 14 and my older brother was 16. My older brother was not happy at all, but when the baby was born, he completely changed. I'm hoping this will be the case with SS15, but I won't be leaving the baby with him anytime soon, not even for a minute.

SMto3's picture

This is SO's first daughter. He has 3 boys already. I agree that SS15 is dropping hints. I think it would have been similar whether or not it was a girl or boy because it almost seems like he feels entitled to all of DH's finances (which is not much lol). Again, he will give the right cues most of the time by saying things like "I'm going to buy her everything, I can't wait til she's born", but I notice things. I notice when I get gifts for her in the mail, he notices but doesn't pay attention at all. I feel like he tries to act like he's not watching but he does just to see what the baby got then won't comment on it. Whereas SS9 will act the complete opposite. He even color coordinated her clothing the other day and put them on hangers! :jawdrop:

SMto3's picture

Jenny, SS4 is supposed to be coming to visit in 2 weeks for a month. I'm sure more of who SS15 is will come out for SO to see. I am definitely watching my back with that kid. I had a pretty good relationship with BM2 until I got pregnant and engaged, but even she admitted that the relationship deteriorated because of SS15 (then SS10 at the time) and she said she would sleep with one eye open after she gave birth. When I first met SO, SS15 stole from me (not sure if I blogged about it), and he didn't believe it at first, but then discovered 10 bucks in SS's stuff the 3rd time money was taken from my purse and SS admitted it. I know that it's a process and SO is coming around slowly, and I think what happens with him is that I tell him so many of the things that happen at home that he probably gets overwhelmed with the way he knows deep down SS15 is becoming. He has a weekly "talk" with SS15 usually behind something I tell him, but I think this one was a bit much for him.

SMto3's picture

You couldn't pay me to! That kid is not staying with my baby alone. Ever. Point blank period. I'm looking into a nanny cam as we speak.

CBCharlotte's picture

The baby question was definitely weird and concerning. However I was a weirdo and used to ask my parents all the time what would happen if I killed someone and all kinds of creepy stuff....they put me in therapy. Turns out I was just morbidly inquisitive.

SMto3's picture

So what would be some suggestions? So far, I know for a fact that I'm NOT leaving my baby with him at all unsupervised. I spoke to SO about this already in the case that baby is with him and he even so much as thinks of leaving her with SS15 for even a minute or two. I know that there are signs that SS15 has issues, I just don't know if this is "normal" for stepfamilies. He's also in a special ed class if that makes any difference. His mom is a POS who as of last month has suspended supervised visits until January's court date so I know he already probably deals with clinging onto "daddy" in a different way than another kid.
I wrote before that one of my older brothers said he didn't want our younger brother to be born and he said he would hate him no matter 16 years old. Now he's the best big brother ever. I can only hope that this is one of those things for SS15 where he may feel a certain way now but grow out of it as the baby grows and he begins to love her. If not, then time will tell and we will have to deal with it as necessary.

LostinSpaceandTime's picture

How will you be sure at all times SS does not have access to the baby? What if you are sleeping, using the bathroom, showering, starting dinner or even just getting a cup of coffee? Will you have the baby with you every second?
That is so much to have to worry about while you are recovering from childbirth?
Can you require that SS only be allowed at your home when his father is home? Does he have a BM or Grandparent he can go to?
I would take his comment seriously and have his father haul him into counseling and work it out before the baby comes.
With the express understanding that should anything happen to the baby ever SS will be the prime suspect.
And confiscate his computer to see what he has been looking up online.
Maybe it was an offhand comment that meant nothing, but you would have a gut feeling about it based on your experience with him. Listen to your instincts.

SMto3's picture

I can't be sure, I can only try to control my actions. For now, we are in the process of buying a house. The boys are staying in the rooms upstairs and SO and I will have a room downstairs with the baby's room connecting to ours. There is a door between our room and baby's room. No reason for skids to be in there without permission and even so, easy access to her for us. SS doesn't have a computer, but he has a cell phone he just got last week when SO bought the new Iphone and gave him the one he had.

AllySkoo's picture

I have to say, I keep coming back to his follow up question, about whether you'd still give birth. That's not jealousy, and it creeps me out the more I think about it. Honestly, I think maybe the kid is a sociopath. Like, honest-to-god, diagnosable, sociopath. Please tell SS's counselor about this conversation, including that follow-up question. Even if the counselor won't talk to you about what he thinks of it, he should be talking to DH and letting DH know it's serious.