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Thievery and stepkids

Snarky's picture

My middle SD was getting ready to leave today and I noticed she had a pretty full tote bag. Fortunately it does not close all of the way, so I was able to see a strange object in her bag. I said "what's this?" and pulled out a straightening iron that belongs to THIS house. So I proceeded to dump the contents and found some nail polish as well. DH asked her why she was taking these items without asking permission. She said "because I know you guys would say no". Um YA, ya think!!! Every time we allowed them to bring an item to psycho's house that is exactly where it stayed, never to be seen by us again. DH laid into her about how sneaking things out of the house is the same as lying and stealing, (I was quite proud of him). This is a trait their mother exhibits quite often in front of them, and the oldest SK has taken as a full time job. Because of this, we do not allow oldest SD in our house anymore, she is too much like her mother.

I laid on the added guilt of "we've spent the entire week having fun, going swimming, seeing movies and all for what? So that you can lie to us and steal from our house? If that is what you are going to do, why should we make the effort of doing nice things for you!" Stunned silence followed, then a faint "I'm sorry."

Now, DH and I are frugal with what goes to psycho's white trash house because we understand what will happen. On the same note, we try to have stuff here so the kids don't look homeless in the crap their egg donor sends them in, sometimes she sends them over in a t-shirt and underwear, no more. We are seriously considering calling the police and having an officer here and waiting the next time they come over. Then they will have to sit and listen to the nice (and hopefully huge) policeman explain what happens to people who steal and lie.....


mother goose's picture

I have been in this situation, but it would be my BD stealing from us before she went to her dads (she made the option to live with him) she would take $$$ from ss who was 5 at the time. I was furious and she wasn't able to come back for a few weeks and had to pay ss back. I was so embarrassed, I teach my children right from wrong, even ss who us heavily influenced by his BM who lives by right and wrong choices.
Maybe ur sd shouldn't be allowed a visit or 2 from u and dh! She needs to ne accountable for her actions and think twice about taking things that aren't hers without asking.

I am so with u on the clothes issues. We have to send ss to his grandparent so his bm can have supervised visitations in clothes that we don't mind gettin thrashed. It sucks! He can't take his fav toys cuz we will never see them again, we just explain to ss that we want to keep then here so he has them to enjoy.

Do u document things as they happen? We have learned to do that.

Sia's picture

used to do the same thing. Drove me nuts. But her mentallity was that we weren't "using" it so it was fair game to her. She has NO concept of boundaries, so we were constantly at odds. I still don't like her in my home without someone there. It rarely ever happens now, as she has moved in with BM.

Good for DH! I love it when they stand up for themselves and their households!

TheCharm's picture

We have to do the same thing with SS8's clothes. The Weasel will send him over in old, mismatched, too small, wrong season clothes and keep the good clothes we buy for him. Luckily Dudebug hasn't tried sneaking things back and forth. Although I remember one Christmas morning where he wanted to bring the presents we had given him to his BMs house. I said "no" because I knew we'd never see them again and he'd forget that he got them from us. DHs mother looked at me like I'm a monster for telling her precious grandson "no" and on Christmas!

secondwife20's picture

my deodorant, which made me mad because that was the only deodorant I had. At first I didn't accuse her but then I called Blabb, and she admitted it. I asked her WHY she wanted my deodorant! And she said it's because kids at school called her smelly, so she wanted to use my deodorant (which she likes the smell of). I told her that all she had to do was ask me and we could have gone to the store and gotten some deodorant and body spray for her. I also mentioned that taking a shower more often would help make her smell better.

"Don't cry because it's over. Smile because it happened." Dr. Seuss

HummingBirdHunny's picture

I too deal with the whole thieving situation. But just from my SS. Both kids know the only thing allowed to go to BM's house is clothing, daily meds and any other meds they might be on if any. That's where we draw the line. We know if anything else went over it wouldn't come back or it would come back ruined. But SS had stolen things from other kids at school. Food, small objects (usually toys), he has been caught red handed by me sneaking things to school. I got so fed up I started searching his backpack every morning as well as his pockets plus when he came home. If something came home that was questionable...I was on the phone with the teacher so fast he couldn't think straight. It got so tiresome for me that I turned around and told him if he can't be trusted then every toy he owns will end up at good will. After that threat he makes sure he doesn't step on my toes the wrong way. I still search him from time to time but he will never know when.

Shaman29's picture

Step-demon has huge ownership and boundary issues as well. If she's touching it, it's hers. I've gone into her room millions of times to retrieve items that belong to either DH, me or the "house".

But I'm evil and stupid, so by simply telling step-demon "You can use this if you ask first and put it back when you're done." has always been useless.

Now I don't even bother to be nice. I walk into her room, grab what doesn't belong and put it away.

And Uber-Skank is the same way. The 'entitlement" twins, that's what they are!

“Be like a duck. Calm on the surface, but always paddling like the dickens underneath.”
Michael Caine

1's picture

We have had this issue as well and instead of getting angry with SD I went ahead and bought a cheaper version of the items SD uses at our house to take with her to BM house. It helped out A LOT! I am all about the kids when it comes to these issues. I know it's not fair because we end buying more than BM does but I also know BM wont take the time or spend the money to buy SD the things she likes. It was great that DH spoke up about it all but maybe adding on the guilt wasn't the best way to handle the situation. I don't know much about your situation but I was a product of divorced parents and one house always had better stuff than the other and I ALWAYS tried taking things from the better house to the house that had crappy stuff.

I totally understand what it is like to drop the skids off in nice clothes but have them returned in solve this problem hubby and I started buying tshirts and shorts/pants from the second hand stores just for the exchanges. Those clothes seem to make their way back to our house and when the skids outgrow them we donate them right back to the second hand store we bought them. We also have 1 pair of shoes used specifically for the exchanges.

I truly believe there is a very special place in heaven for step parents!

stepmom2one's picture

It's really great of you to do these things for her. She will look backa nd really appreciate that you do this once she is older. Good for you--you really are thinking about what is best for SD (even if BM does benefit from it in a small way).

StepMadre's picture

This was also a problem with my skids and it would have been a lot worse if we hadn't nipped it in the bud early on. Their BM is total white trash and models lying and a complete lack of values for them, so the burden of raising them to be even somewhat decent is on us. Her house looks like a condemned shack and the inside is no better. Unfortunately, the skids room there looks like a tornado hit a trailer trash yard sale and the skids come over to our place looking disheveled and usually smelling bad. She hasn't taught them any hygiene and surprisingly enough they have come to love that I take care of them and make sure they are in clean, comfortable clothes and I have them take daily baths and have taught them to use shampoo, lotion, toothpaste, etc... I make it fun and it is heartbreaking to see how much they crave any attention at all. I also give them haircuts and I wonder how long their hair would have to get before she would do something about it.

Anway, because of this, the older skid tried to take deodorant, lotion and shampoo to Psycho's as well as clothes, his laptop and a few of my books (from my childhood-that I have in their room for them to read). It was really sad and when we confronted him, he burst into tears and went on a rant about how his mom doesn't have any of that kind of stuff for him. We explained about the rules (no bathroom products, computers, toys or books go to Psycho's) and the importance of coming to us with a problem and not sneaking and lying. He responded pretty well and it hasn't been a problem since, although I keep an eye on things just in case. We buy them quality clothes, toys and bath products and can't control that Psycho is filthy and has no standards. I ended up getting both my skids a travel kit that they can keep in their bags (thought it would be less likely to get thrown out by Psycho that way) and that worked although apparently Psycho had a temper tantrum when she found them, but allowed the skids to keep them because she didn't want them to like me better or side with me against her. I think it is so sad that, judging from this page alone, this seems to be a very common problem. I think these skids only steal things because they aren't having their needs met at their BM's homes and they don't have the inherent value systems to know that stealing is wrong. Now my skids don't try to take things to Psycho's, but they frequently complain about the lack of things they need (nothing that social services would care about, unfortunately) and we can't do a thing about it.

One thing that has made an improvement, i've discovered is a very easy manipulation of Psycho. She is so pathetic and desperate as a person and is terrified of the skids liking/loving me as much or more than they do her and so if I do something for them that causes them to rave about how much they love me, it usually spurs her to try to top me and do something similar. In this way, I have been able to buy them nice clothes (Old Navy is great! Durable, inexpensive and the skids like the clothes) and make a big deal out of them being presents from me and then they promptly run home to Psycho and rave about how they love the clothes from Step-mom and then lo and behold, by the next week, they have more new clothes from Psycho (usually from the exact store that my purchase came from). It's so easy that it's kind of sad. She has no idea I am manipulating her, but the result is that the skids get their physical needs met better and so I have no problem with doing this.

I don't know if this would work with others because my situation has a strong jealousy/competition dynamic on Psycho's part. She even copies my haircuts and clothing because the skids think i'm pretty and fashionable and have taken to high fiving me when they like my clothes or earrings or whatever. I know they talk about me, because often when Psycho picks them up, they immediately start yammering to her (while they get their shoes on) about how pretty I look or how they like my dress. It is soooo satisfying! Haha, her face is priceless because she can't say anything nasty about me or the skids would side with me (it has happened before and they always defend or side with me, weirdly enough) and get mad at her. So she has to choke out some nice comment and it's completely hilarious. She usually shows up the next week wearing something similar and has copied my hair cuts (and even got a nose stud exactly like mine!). Anyway, it's entertaining and very pathetic, but if it improves the skids lot, them i'm fine with it. She can copy my clothes and hair all she wants (fortunately, she looks NOTHING like me).

Well, it is very comforting to know that there are so many smoms going through this kind of thing. I am beginning to realize that these situations happen not because of flaws in the skids, but major flaws in the BM's. These skids are just trying to get their needs met and it's sad that they haven't been taught how to do it in the right way. I have a friend with this situation and she is fantastic with her own daughter and her two SD's and she has taught them right from wrong, but their BM actively opposes her instructions and encourages her daughters to lie and steal and basically rewards them if they are disrespectful to my friend. It's really horrible! She is trying to get some sort of petty revenge and all that is happening is that she is harming her own daughters and turning them into the kind of people that lie and steal! It blows my mind.

"A lot of people are afraid to tell the truth. That’s where toughness comes into play. Toughness isn’t being a bully, it’s having a backbone.” ~Robert Kiyosaki

stepmom2one's picture

My SD does this all the time! She has more than she could ever want a BMs. BM spoils her, but there are certain items she loves at our house-- so she will often try to sneak things to BMs. BM would return them if she knew we wanted them back BUT SD tells her that we said she can keep them there.

I understand that the kids think "its my stuff" and it is. Yet when they live in two households things bought for one house do not go to the other. Crappy for them, I know, but that is one of the not great things about having a blended family.

Snarky's picture

items; such as, clothes, toys, personal care stuff. The two kids that come over have their own bedrooms, and the other bedroom is a playroom (use to be the oldest SD's until she refused to come over). All of this was carefully thought out and, in the end, done to assist the kids in feeling stable when they visit us. During the initial year, when we were all getting ourselves familiar with eachother, the rules were clearly stipulated about what stays at our house and what can go back to BM's house.

The reason this situation is so troubling is basically because the kids have always asked us if they could bring things back to their moms. Never anything major, just toys or clothes and such. We're apt to take a diplomatic view of it and allow them to take some items on the condition that it be returned at the next visit. If the kids failed to bring items back, the next time they asked to take an item we would not allow it.

So why is she sneaking things now? My DH has relayed previous events of the BM going to people's houses and taking things on the sly. We fear this is a trait SD 10 is starting to pick up, but again, why now? I'm starting to think about getting a professional involved here for us and the SK's. How are we going to trust her from this point on if she exhibits behaviors similar to her mother?

On top of all this, the SK's are asking US to get them school items. I'm thinking to myself, why the f*&% should we get them ANYTHING if their mom receives child support from DH. Furthermore, why should SD 10 get anything if she has proven to us that she cannot be trusted?

Time is a great teacher, but unfortunately it kills all its pupils ... - Louis Hector Berlioz

goodmom's picture

some of the reasons why it is so annoying when the SK's won't leave things at one household I can also see why they do it.

When the girls lived with their mom many moons ago the girls used to do the same thing. They would try to sneak toys from our house to their mom's all the time. We would tell them that they needed to leave them with us so they had some items to ply with when they visited but they continued to do it anyway. I know why they did it. They didn't have anything nice over at mom's. All the toy's were either broken, without batteries or not age appropriate. Their room was left in shambles so parts went missing to puzzles and games. It irritated the hell out of me but at the same time I realized they were at their mom's 80% of the time and wanted their "nice" toys to be with them. I couldn't get too mad at the girls for this. Everyone wants to have nice things every now and then.

As far as the nice clothing issue, we went thru that too. Once we got custody we bought the girls all new clothes and shoes. The bag that got sent with them was too small, out of season or so stained they were disgusting. BM got them on the weekends (before she went completely down the crapper) adn the nice clothes would come back but they would be stained to the point of being ridiculous. We never understood it because the girls never got THAT messy when they were with us?! We bought cheap play clothes that were nice but not "special" and started sending them in those. Miraculously they stopped getting so stained up. I think BM was TRYING to get stains on the brand named items just to be spiteful. She would always do ice cream, baby bottle pops, painting or let the girls drink red juice in an open cup in the car when they were wearing the nice stuff. She never did it in the play clothes though. It bothered her that the girls had nicer things with us then they did with her.

"On top of all this, the SK's are asking US to get them school items. I'm thinking to myself, why the f*&% should we get them ANYTHING if their mom receives child support from DH. Furthermore, why should SD 10 get anything if she has proven to us that she cannot be trusted?"

My answer to this is becasue these are his kids and CS doesn't mean the parent should NEVER do anything above or beyond. I sometimes wait for non-custodials to say "Why do we have to get a Christmas Present if his mom gets child support?" or "Why should we have to go in half on a B-Day cake when BM is getting CS." It gets a little nickle and dimes at time. Would it really KILL dad to get the kids backpacks? As long as they don't all want new laptops I don't see the big deal here. CS does not make you exempt as a parent and I would HOPE it wouldn't be a constant excuse to not to anything nice for ones own children.

Having a baby does not make you a mother.

Snarky's picture

I admit, that the quote taken from my vent was exactly that, a vent, and not true to form. I was angry and needed to get out my irrationalities somewhere. Of course we are going to get several school items for the kids this weekend, because, no, it wouldn't "kill dad to get the kids backpacks" and because some items are actually needed (instead of the usual, "the girls need new _____(fill in the blank) this year because their old stuff is out of fashion). That man works hard to provide for the kids.

Eventhough CS is necessary in some instances, so is setting a good example for the kids. Expecting things to be handed to you is not what we want them to learn from life, which is exactly what psycho BM is teaching them. When the kids start exhibiting lying and stealing because they want something, it will not be rewarded. On the same note, the kids will not be punished because their BM won't get off her lazy behind and get a damn job! So, let me have my little fit and vent off some steam, it may not be what I would do, but it is the ugly monster that lives in my head.

--Time is a great teacher, but unfortunately it kills all its pupils ... - Louis Hector Berlioz

goodmom's picture

I'm sorry. I really didn't mean to sound attacky. I just hear alot of step parents that complain about CS and not wanting to do anything above or beyond that so I took what you said literally. I guess it's just kindof sad that if the kids were in an intact family they wouldn't have to barter with the parents for things they need. It would just be a given. I don't mean that kid's should get EVERYTHING they want though. Don't get me wrong.

It's just I can just see where a kid would feel like an item on auction when the custodial parent won't pay for certain things for whatever reason and then the NCP says "that's what I pay CS for" everytime they ask him/her. The kid has no control on what the CP uses the CS for so if mom's getting her hair done and partying with the money the poor kid is up shit creek...I just feel sorry for those kids in that situation. My parents paid for band and dance and it was a big part off my life grwing up. I jus hate it for those kids who are scared to ask if they can be in a group or club for fear it will spark a war over whoes paying between the adults in his/her life.

I apologize if I came off as snarky Snarky:) That's just a real peave of mine and I get overly defensive when it comes up.

Having a baby does not make you a mother.

Snarky's picture

Thanks GM. Many people don't understand our situation and my verbiage didn't help.

Being a stepmom, I find myself in a defensive position quite often. It's hard for people who are not in the same situation to understand stepmom frustrations, worries, and concerns. Then there's battling my inner demons, like why this woman, who is verbally abusive to her kids and was abusive to my DH, is living off CS and governmental assistance when she has no physical limitations whatsoever. I get so angry that the courts here side for the mother in many situations. This BM has a criminal history, but is a very good liar and plays the victim quite well. This is what she is teaching the kids, and it is taking its toll.

The kids are suffering because their mother does not see, or care, that what she is doing is hurting them. Lying to get money from people, going to friends and family's houses and stealing items, lying to her own kids, and using men to get things she wants are just a few of the behaviors she exhibits. When the kids come over and tell us things their BM does, it just blows my mind. On top of her poor behavior she constantly bashes DH to them and discusses her problems openly. That she would want her kids to worry about adult issues hurts not only us, but the kids. Our goal is allowing them to be kids, and not worry about CS or bills or court proceedings and sending the kids back to that horrible house with BM is so hard.

So, at the point of writing the initial post, I was incredibly frustrated. That damn woman buys the kids toys every other day and then complains because she doesn't have enough money to get the kids school items. THEN she bought her 2 year old (not DH's) a $50.00 pair of shoes! She has no job! She gets no other CS! Why is she buying an expensive pair of shoes when the other kids need shoes and backpacks for school? The unfairness and the thievery just overwhelmed me at that point and BOOM.

I'm learning a lot from this site, and your comment opened my eyes as to how things can be posted (by me) improperly. Snarkiness is appreciated, it makes us snarkaclicious!

Time is a great teacher, but unfortunately it kills all its pupils ... - Louis Hector Berlioz

goodmom's picture

I know what it's like for outsiders to just not get it. Our situation is extremely uncommon and I caught hell a bunch on other forums from BM's who thought I was too involved in my skids lives BUT I am the only constant mother figure in their lives. They either didn't get it or didn't care. All they saw was I was not the BM. Period.

I vent sometimes too, mostly to DH. I say some pretty brutal things about BM and whhats sad is a MEAN every word. I wouldn't dare say some of the stuff I think on a forum becasue I would be labeled a hate We all need some where to vent and I forget that I am lucky becaus eI have a DH I can do that with. I have learned from this sitethat not every step mother has that luxury.

Being "Snarky" can be therapuetic and better to be snarkalicious here than in front of the kids:)

Having a baby does not make you a mother.

glynne's picture

Had to speak out on this. My experience is that it's not about what your CS pays for, what you buy the SC - it's about respect. It's great that your husband supports you. My husband always provided for SD. The BM was the custodial parent but we had visitation during the summer and every other weekend during the school year. In addition to CS, we paid for private school tuition, books, hosted parties (birthday, halloween, etc)paid for prom night expenses (dress, nails etc). We didn't make a distinction about what child support provided for. I think you get the picture and STILL the SD would take my belongings. Makeup, hair products and tools, clothes, she even took my lingerie!! SD was very well provided for at her BM's and at our home. So why did she do this? I think that she simply wanted what I had. Jealousy, competition ... I don't know the reason. I finally had to lock up or hide most of my belongings. Maybe you'll have better luck because your husband is supportive. Mine did not believe that she took things "on purpose". Long story there - and I won't bore you with details. I suggest that the two of you sit her down and explain that taking things without asking is not acceptable and determine what consequences should be.


Snarky's picture

We certainly intend to discuss the situation further with SD 10. She is a great kid, and this behavior is way out of the norm for her. She and I have a wonderful relationship, so it really surprised me that she did this. We know it's some sort of cry for help, attention, something, and we will always be there for her. It may have something to do with the fact that she has expressed numerous times that she does not want to live with BM, that life over there is awful and that "mommy constantly yells and charges at us". This little girl probably feels comfort in having our stuff near to her.

It KILLS DH and I to know that psycho is using CS for herself and not for the kids, who really need it! The girls tell us about the stuff their mother buys with the CS money, and it's not for the kids!! SD 10 and SD 7 love to come over to our house, because they have rules and boundaries, and unconditional love. We have birthday parties, Halloween parties, Christmas, game night, barbecues, you name it. We also keep the CS and spousal maintenance issue away from them, however, their mother brings it up to their attention constantly. Again, I was totally frustrated when making that comment about not wanting to get anything for them. Usually DH has to cut me off because I love to shop for all the cute girlie stuff. And what I do get them is out of love, not to buy their affection. They don't get stuff all the time, and they understand.

Time is a great teacher, but unfortunately it kills all its pupils ... - Louis Hector Berlioz