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snoopyinoz's Blog

Loosing what's left of my sanity......

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Ok so by now we all know BM is looney. Well the SDs have been back for almost a week. This is their full time home. And DH and I noticed something last night. Maybe I've been cracking up with everything else going on BUT the SDs ask permission to do ANYTHING. Can I get a drink of water? Can I have Ice in my water? Can I go outside and play? Can I take a shower? Can I go to the bathroom? Yes they asked permission to go to the bathroom! DH asked them about it last night and apparently BM makes them ask to do anything that requires leaving her sight.

Update to the spy game

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Spoke with the atty and there isn't a damn thing that can be done. NOTHING! We were told if BM calls (yeah like THAT will happen) we are to say nothing. When the girls to back for the next visit (when BM decides its conviently easy for her) we are to hand her the phone and tell her it is NOT to come to our house and it was a privacy invasion. The ONLY way anything can be done is if it happens again. As for BM taking SD13s meds we are to write a statement so it can "be put in the file" so as usual BM gets away with all kinds of BS and nothing is done.

The spy game.....(probably wont leave this one up long)

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Well it just gets more crazy. Last night SD13 said her phone (that BM got her) was "acting funny" ok funny how? DH looked at it and discovered BM had installed a tracking app on it. DH flipped out. DH has full custody, and with BMs past threats of kidnapping she does NOT need to know where the girls are when they are with us. Well DH turned the phone off and decided not to mess with it. A few minuets later, DH and I notice that the phone is back on and we hasn't touched it. SD13 had been in her room.

BM the evil bitch.....

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But what else is new? DH picked up SDs last night (shocked that BM kept them for the entire 3 weeks) and on the way home the SDs start talking. Telling DH all kinds of crap. Gems such as
BM pays child support (uh no she don't)
DH should pay BM CS even though she doesn't have the girls
DH is "keeping the SDs away from her" (really? She's the bitch that walked out. She's the one breaking CO by NOT calling, NOT keeping in touch and its DHs fault? Don't think so)

Taking the summer bet....

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Haven't posted much, not since December really things have been "ok" in snoopy land but, dropped the SDs off last night with BM for her summer visit and she tried jerking DH around as usual. She wanted to keep the girls longer and DH said NO. She bitched bc she "don't get my tiiimmmeee" well bit h if you would follow the damn orders maybe you would get more time. DH is FINALLY doing what they atty said which is to play by HIS rules and not hers.

Idk WHO'S brilliant idea........

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It was to let the kids out the 18th of December and not have them go back to school until jan 6! TheSDs have been bickering and fighting all f-ing day. And of course DH is still sick (honestly at this point I don't care. He went to his moms yesterday mainly because it was easier for him to rest and he won't get everyone here sick mainly BS11mo) ack!!! Please PLEASE go back to school!!!

O/T vent about DH

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Poor widdle baby is sick! He has a damn head cold and acts like he's DYING! All day his ass has been parked on the couch and is "too sick" to do a damn thing for himself. About 15 minuets ago he yells as OSD to make him some soup. I lost it. Told SD "uh NO he's perfectly capable of doing for himself" and what does he do? Sits on the couch and whines! Sorry buddy I don't feel sorry for you. I was sick last week with the same thig and STILL managed to do what needed to be done. I refuse to wait on him hand and foot.

DH and the ye olde double standard

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This is NOT about the SKIDS but DH. DH has this BAD habit of leaving his empty soda cans and glasses beside the couch. All the TIME! Well last night SD12 was on the couch and set her glass of lemonade beside the couch she was still drinking it. DH threw a FIT! Screaming and yelling for her to "get her damn glass before BS10 months got it". SD picked up her glass, mumbling something about how he does it all the time and went to the kitchen. No biggie. Well this morning I get up and what do I find?

Now taking bets

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On how long it takes BM to call us to come get the SDs. They go back to BMs tomorrow for three weeks BUT.... BM informed SD12 and DH that BM needs the girls SSNs so she can "go to the food pantry bc she doesn't have enough food" ok I am in no way knocking people who use food pantrys BUT if BM can 1) afford to buy both SDs new iPads and a new flat screen 2) she can buy her booze and 3) has known she was going to have the girls she oh SHOULD HAVE PLANNED ACCORDINGLY!!! So more than likely since DH told her NO she will be calling us to drive to her house (6 hours ONE WAY) to get the girls.
