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Kniving dumbs@€ crap

snoopyinoz's picture

SOOOO the BM KNEW she was to call our "supervisor" for a visit IF she wanted one, who does she call? DH! And wanted to move the visit to Sunday instead of Saturday. DH told her "no the supervisor can't do it that day" BMs response? "but I MISS THEM!" really? You don't bother to call or show up for a Fucking YEAR and all of a sudden decide you "miss" them? DH called me and said "I am not putting the kids through that again" this is NOT a court ordered visit, and she STILL has not provided ANY info that she was ordered to provide! How freaking dumb does she think we are? DH and I have FINALLY gotten the kids back to their "normal" selves and I'll be damned if I am going to let HER screw that up. She is constantly lying to the kids, and has threatened to not bring them back, hence the supervised visits. We go back to court on Monday, let's see if BM actually SHOWS up this time!


snoopyinoz's picture

Very true JoJo. I know her family and let's just say that none of them are too bright! Must be inbreeding.........

Doubletakex3's picture

Apparently you don't have to be too bright to work the system in our country (US) which infuriates me!

SW2613's picture

These BMs are so stupid. How the hell were they even smart enough to get pregnant and have these kids?