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My completely original comment for the day - "I hate Mother's Day"

sorryilovemydogmore's picture

Not at all original, I know. But damn, I really hate it. I didn't used to. Last year it was weird and uncomfortable, but at least tolerable. This year it just f-ing sucks.

Whatshername FINALLY decided that yes, she wants the kids on Mother's Day, at 1 pm on Saturday afternoon. Huh? I thought the options for dropping them off were Saturday evening or Sunday morning. How'd she get an entire afternoon too? Ultimately it doesn't matter. I didn't want them with us for Mother's Day. Not because I don't want them with us, but just because it's weird and awkward to spending Mother's Day with someone else's kids. And there was no way I was going to church with them. All the talk about mother's and the hallmark crap - while I'm looking at the kids and thinking, yeah I get the responsibility and obligation but not the "fun stuff" that goes with it. I don't resent them, but I sure as hell resent her and the crap she's put FDH through, and by extension, the crap she's put me through.

So, I'm being irrational and whiny. Just venting. But, on the plus side, I can now start drinking earlier on Saturday.


Charly's picture

LOL!! One of my SS'S made his "Mommy" a MD gift to send to her in prison. Didn't make me anything... Guess who's gonna feel real dumb when the other skids are giving me their gifts and he's empty handed? SMH...

dgb's picture

It's nothing but a let down! You think about how nice it would be if they actually considered you on that day, but you're just setting yourself up for the fall.

gemchakra's picture

I registered this morning to this forum because I hate Mother's Day, too. Hugs to you! I had a similar Mother's Day. SS has asked to live with us because of his Mom's drug use, getting evicted out of their apartment because she doesn't work, etc., yet took her out for Mother's Day and didn't even acknowledge me, the woman who is filling her shoes and helping keep a roof over his head.