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Just Venting about my Skids and Rude BM

soyprissyr's picture

I usually dont have issues that involve me "hating" my skids. I truly just have an issue with my husbands ex. I do most of the contact when it comes to the children. She is very fake and unpleasant to be around. I truly cant stand her underlying putdowns and snotty tone. Even the smallest conversations with this women make me crenge. My husband is pretty helpful. My rock. I usually vent to him. But some of my thoughts go ommited (because I am not a rude person) I feel talking shit...makes me feel like shit. I really hate how the ex is always asking questions about our life, pushing her way into my home. and just down right being nosey. Its terrible. I am a nice kind person and dont have anything to hide. Plus I am a bit of a push over. I always answer her questions kindly. She hasnt physically seen my husband in 2 months. She has the nerve to ask if hes still looking good!? I look at her with an odd face. She begins to laugh with this fake hardy laugh. I shake my head say bye to the children and walk inside my home. Oh and shes always texting me! all the time. About the kids sure we are very good on communicating on that level. But she always steps over the bounderies of co parents and friends. We dont agree on the upbringing of the children at all. Shes thier bestfriend and the kids adore her...yet scream " I hate you! youre not my friend anymore!!!" Never once has any of my skids raised thier voice and said anything hurtful to me or my husband. I have told her I am thier parent, I am here to caregive and guide not sit on the damn floor and play dinos all day. I give activities, playdo, coloring, painting, play outdoors, and a entire rec room dedicated to thier movies and toys (their paly area). And when they dont wanna do that stuff then find something to do and use your imaginations. I set an example....i'm not a clown I don't entertain. dont get me wrong, I play with the kids often. I just have a life too. School, homework, housework, wandering grandma,laundry, be a good wife and what not. I'm busy. But otherwise I try not to let my husbands ex bother's just hard not to spit in her face everytime I see her and tell her to act like a decent person and stop babying the kids! I gotta run...homework calling...ugh...or I could go on and on.


oldone's picture

You should stop talking to her or communicating in any way at all. Nod your head to acknowledge her presence if you have to.

Willow2010's picture

I truly just have an issue with my husbands ex. I do most of the contact when it comes to the children.

I would say to stop doing that. Make DH do it.