New here am I being unreasonable
I am so glad I found this site. here is my story I have been married for 3 years. I am the bio mom of an 8 year old son, and a 5 month old son, I have 3 skids. a sd 18 (thank god) and a 16 year old boy and a 9 year old ss. My issue is like many on here: I cant bring myself to loving them like my own 2 children. They lie just like thier mother and they claim to be Christians because they go to church every sunday but lie soooo much. for that reason alone I dont like them. when they come for the weekends I find myself leaving to go to my parents house to get away, and I take my own children with me. Thier mother is a trip and I cant stand her at all. she is very greedy she gets 2,560 a month in child support and now that the oldest turns 18 she still wants 2,100 a month. My husband is taking her to court for modification, I am really frustrated with her and the kids. am I wrong for feeling resentment??
I love my husband but that mom and the kids i just cant do it
Nope, not wrong at all. A
Nope, not wrong at all. A lot of us here feel the same way. You are not alone!
Not wrong at all! this is my
Not wrong at all! this is my current life actually
wow sounds like my life,
wow sounds like my life, thanks for this
These feelings are actually
These feelings are actually COMPLETELY normal! Welcome and vent anytime!
Hello - welcome. The sooner
Hello - welcome.
The sooner you realize you/we are the NORMAL ones; the better off you'll be
I am really starting to see
I am really starting to see that. I told my husband that life would be great minus the skids and that biomom ughh
Ha! I tell mine - he's lucky
Ha! I tell mine - he's lucky I love him so much......
He counts the days till she goes to college!! 4 more years....
Hell; if we got through 12 - what's another 4. We have even talked about what we are going to do with her room when she leaves (she loves that