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OT - Psoriasis?

Sports Fan's picture

I've had what I will call a "redish "blotch" on my arm for about two months. Not very large, maybe the size of a dime. It is dry looking and slightly raised. It doesn't itch but skin flakes come off if I touch it. At first I thought that maybe I had burnt myself. I don't think that is it since it's not going away. It isn't getting any bigger but it also is not getting better. Did a little googling online and it seems to look like the pictures of psoriasis. I have no experience with this at all. The article I read said it is usually hereditary but I don't think anyone in my family has ever had it.

Does anyone know anything about psoriasis or maybe have any other ideas what it could be.


misSTEP's picture

My DH had what his doctor called the worst case of psoriasis he ever saw. Even had medical students come in to look at it (a horrible experience for my social anxiety DH). It was all over.

What you have does sound like it. It is usually brought on by stress. Your system goes a little haywire and causes your skin cells to over produce in a patch or patches. But I thought it was itchy or painful. Maybe I am wrong.

I don't know of anyone in his family who has it. His stepdad does but of course not blood related.

I would definitely go to the doctor to find out what it is for sure.

Oh, once my DH went through some treatment process (sorry I don't have more details. This was when we first started dating), it went away. Now he rarely will have a patch here and there but nothing like it was originally.

misSTEP's picture

I have eczema too but mine itches like crazy. I also get little mini-blisters I guess is the best way to describe them.

Maxwell09's picture

I had something like that two weeks ago. I thought it was a spider bite because it was a dime sized raised bump. Google told me it could be psoriasis or ring worm and my doctor didn't say either way. (There was no ring formed). I treated it with both hydrocortisone cream (psoriasis) and some ring worm spray on cream. Neither of them worked so I went back to google. I ended up getting rid of it by putting Apple Cider Vinegar on it. My doctor still didn't know what it was so she just told me to keep doing it, a week later and it was gone.

Merry's picture

Psoriasis comes in several varieties, and some things that look like the scaly psoriasis (which it sounds like you have) isn't psoriasis at all. For me, it comes and goes. Being outdoors (in the sun) usually helps (but for others, sun makes it worse). I use a cortisone cream (prescription) that keeps it under control but the stuff never goes away.

Get it checked out by a doc though.

Sports Fan's picture

It isn't in a circle shape. I did see pictures of ringworm that were similar looking. I have a doctor appointment at the beginning of May and was just going to wait until I went in to have the doctor look at it. Maybe I can try some of the over the counter ideas before then. Thanks for the info. Like I said, it's all new to me. I never knew anyone with it or even eczema. I heard of them but that was about it.

DarkStar's picture

***Frantically waving hand****

I had a ringworm looking thing on the top of my foot for months. Didn't hurt or itch, just flaked a bit and looked like the creeping crud. It took multiple doctors visits, multiple prescriptions (where I found out I was allergic to Lotrimin) and a dermatologist FINALLY correcting diagnosed it as granuloma annulare. A couple of small injections of steroids on the affected area and it was gone in a couple of months.

I get the spots from time to time. Sometimes they clear up on their own, other times a quick trip to the dermatologist takes care of it.

Sports Fan's picture

Mine isn't circular at all but it doesn't itch or hurt and it flakes a bit. Maybe this is what mine is. I'll have to do a little more research tonight and compare the photos. Seems that regardless I may need a trip to the doctor to get what I need to take care of it.

SheScreamsinSil's picture

I second what DarkStar said. I have had the same issue a couple of times. The dermatologist said it would go away on it's own, it would just take a while. Or they can give you a few shots and make it look a little worse before it looks better.

DarkStar's picture

Yes, the affected area looked a little bleached for a while, but now, my foot looks totally normal

I had another space on my calf that was treated and it looked like it was scarred for a while, but it fades.

I have a spot on the inside of my knee that seems to have faded in the past month so I'm going to leave it be.