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How do I move on?

Starlight8's picture

Hello, my SO and I have been together for almost 6 years he has two kids(I cannot stand) and I have one and we have one together.  We have been enguaged and he wants to be married already, and I am just not there mostly due to some ups and downs in the relationship, but mostly becasue his kids, I resent them.  They are such babies and they are treated that way by dad and their mothers and I DO NOT go for that in my house.  My fiance and I have spoke about this and he tries to not baby them so much, but he has a 12 year old that is just too much, he acts like he is 3 years old I swear, he knows how to manipulate and get anything he wants and it absolutly drives me insain.  I resent his children and I know he wants to just be a good dad, but how do I move past this being an issue?  I feel that it will end us eventually.  He calls me his wife and tells me I am always first, but as soon as they come around no body but them matter, and Im not playing that game.  HELP?  


Wicked stepmo.'s picture

This will not end. The kids will grow older and more entitled. Your SO will be afraid to change his ways because his kids will become more manipulative and will use emotional blackmail. SO will continue to cave and you will continue to grow more resentful.

You will find that you spend less time with each other enjoieaxh other and more time arguing about SKs. If you alrethave feeling resentment towards them. Which I can completely understand. That will not change. The reality is you have a partner problem and the real issue is his parenting.