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A big FU to BM. HA!

StarStuff's picture

The official notarized custody letter from court arrived in the mail the other day (I'll skip to the best part):

IT IS THEREFORE ORDERED, ADJUDGED and DECREED by the Court that FDH is awarded the legal and physical care, custody and control of the parties' minor child, namely SD8.

The visitation rights of the Defendant (BM) are suspended, pending further orders of this court.

IT IS FURTHER ORDERED, ADJUDGED, AND DECREED that the Defendant (BM) and the Plaintiff (FDH) are both mutually enjoined and restrained from engaging either directly or indirectly in any type of conduct which would tend to annoy, harass, or intimidate the other party while at home, in public or at their place of employment, including, but not limited to, text messages, telephone calls or internet postings.

End of Order.

May I just add that it would have been really handy to have had this on New Year's Eve when BM showed up at the same concert FDH and I were at (states away from home)and started taking pictures of us like she had "caught" us doing something. Um hello, I was eating a burrito and FDH was holding my drink (not even alcoholic). God I would have loved to have had her arrested for "tending to annoy and harass" us that night Biggrin


StarStuff's picture

Oh, I doubt bm really cares that much. We haven't heard from her in months and have no idea where she is. She didn't even bother to show up to court. Stellar, isn't she?

OKCStep's picture

What did you do to get those rights taken away from her? We have full custody of SS11 (she only gets supervised visits - and rarely uses them) and we are thinking of trying our hand in getting her rights revoked. We are just concerned about wasting money...

StarStuff's picture

Well, I guess in our case the judge just didn't appreciate BM not showing up to court AND the judge caught bm lying to her over the phone. Decided BM was a shitty person, lol. Sorry I can't give you better advice, but it just worked out for us. BM dug her own grave.