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My SS14, The Wannabe football star, curling 10 Lbs

step off already's picture

Here's a fun one for you.

My duck face SS thinks he is a stud - as I 'may' have mentioned before.

Several months ago, he adopted one of my 10 lb dumb bells and uses it to "work out" in his room.

He comes downstairs last night and asks his dad if he thinks he can beat him in arm wrestling. DH laughs and i say, "SS... it is going to take you a good 15 or 20 years before you can beat your dad".

SS says, "Dad, how much can you curl"

DH laughs again and I smile.

SS says, "I've been working out"

I say, "well honey your dad is a grown man that uses his body to make living. He's very strong. Do you know that even I curl with the 15 lb weight and that those 10 lb ones you're using are too small for me?"

He mumbles but then starts to talk again about he's working out so his dad asks him how many push ups he can do and SS says that he just did 50 the other day. Dh says, "show me, but you can't do them the girl way"

SS gets down on the ground, but HIGH in the air and starts doing his push ups. DH immediately, says, "butt down"

SS gets pissed off and then starts to walk off.

DH tells him that he's going to get laughed at at football if he tries to do push ups like that and an attitude like that will get him kicked off the team.

SS tries again and does about 10 the right way.

I guess that all those trips to the gym with Mommy really aren't preparing him for football after all.


step off already's picture

Reminds me of a recent hike we all went on. Mind you, I have a 8 month old baby and haven't worked out since prior to the pregnancy.

SS asks all the kids to race - he's the oldest and the only one even interested in racing is my 9 year old. So after several times of the boys taking off and turning back, I say "I'll race you" and I set off to jog. He comes up behind me full force, so I start to sprint. Poor kid, wouldn't you know it... he hurts his ankle and needs to stop for a few minutes.

step off already's picture

Duck face is 14 and will be a freshman next year. He seems to think he's a football player because my family got him a "real" football for Christmas and he tosses it around with DS9 every now and then.

He even asked DH, "hey dad, do you know how to throw a football?"


I suppose he thinks that since he can throw the ball he's a shoo in for the team.

step off already's picture

I'm serious. It's the only reason I haven't fine and yanked MY weights from outbid his room. He's taken the ones u don't use.