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Know it all ss

Step mad's picture

Sad my wife calls me yesterday at work, ss is getting an f in science, n f in english, n f in math, she tells me he is grounded for life, he will never see the light of day, right? I am thinking to myself I have heard this before, the last time this has happened he was grounded from everything, no outside no friends no x box, and she was forced to stay in the house, hey convince my wife to all of us watch a movie as a family, of course he chose the movie, he was in charge of the remote and the volume, he would rewind, so he could watch the same parts over again, mind you this was not a movie I really felt like watching, so having said all that. I come home, n you guessed it he was watching tv on our big screen in the living room, and you guessed it it was what he wanted to watch, so in essence when he gets in trouble I serve the sentence, I conveyed in this to my wife in a nice tone, walk up stairs to my music room at work on music for about 3 hours, but I really felt like sitting down and watching the science channel, do any of you all have a hobby or something else that will take your mind off of the stress? because of not from my music room I probably would lose it,


B22S22's picture

Karate. Out of the house 2 evenings a week for class. And when I get REALLY stressed at home I lock myself away and practice my katas. Amazing what some well placed kicks and punches will do on an imaginary opponent....

jojo68's picture

I love to is a passion..but I can't really do that because the only time I have is part of the weekend and the weekends are complete total chaos of SD11 and her friends and usually her 1/2 sister (not DH's child) acting like animals and it is hard to have any peace. I don't even enjoy cooking when there are kids running around completely underfoot and telling you what you are making looks nasty. There is no break from this...they don't play in their room...the TV in the living room is always occupied and DH insists that they should go everywhere we go even to get a pack of not even 5 minutes. Don't get me wrong, I don't mind friends coming over when it is in a controlled environment (used to love it when my daughter and her friends were around) but this is not controlled and since I have no say in the raising of this child, all my weekends end up being is me being a maid and expected to clean up their messes and to feed them all (which is an even lovelier experience since they don't eat what I cook for the most part) Really I have nothing to keep sanity but leaving by myself and going shopping.

ThatGirl's picture

But seriously, why is it so hard for some parents to restrict their children? IMO, a child on restriction should be in his room, other than meals. But in our house, just like yours, it's more like I'm the one who ends up being banished to my room whenever his children are in trouble. They deliberately like to be in your face when they are restricted, our punishment for punishing them, I guess.

Step mad's picture

Thatgirl, I think I knew you in a previous life, somewhere in france mademoiselle,lol. I do have a merlot occasionally, . but seriously also I just go nuts. 1 time he was taken away from games and t v and computer. guess what? we play board games for 2 and a half hours. and he argued with his mother of the whole time, as he cheated his way to victory,Agggghhhh! Smile

hismineandours's picture

I've tried drinking as well. sometimes it helps. The other thing I do is I take my 3 bios and we go do something really fun. And if they are unavailable I just take a nap and hope that he will be gone when I wake up.

ubrngoutdbitchnme's picture

My SS14 has 3 F's and 2 D's as his overall grades on the online grading system. So he is not allowed to watch tv or hang out with his friends. Me trying to be the nice guy and cut him some slack because its a long weekend told him today that he can watch ONE hour of tv BUT it has to be an educational show and he has to then write a 2 paragraph summary. Did he take the opportunity to watch tv? Ah no! He was even trying to get argumentative about me giving him ONE hour. So I then said, "forget I even said anything, NO TV for you". Sucks to be SS14.