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WOO HOO!! SD 15 and OSS 17 GRADUATE!! /s

thinkthrice's picture

A party is being planned by the BM and clan on July 5th for them:

Here are the results:

SD passes 9th grade with a D+ (69 average) otherwise known as a 1.5 GPA (Grade 4 reading level)
OSS graduates High School with a C- (70 average) otherwise known as a 1.75 GPA

I must add that froo froo classes get the same weight as serious ones so if you get a high mark in "Staring Out the Window" that is averaged in with a failing mark in Science, English, History, Mathematics, etc.

LOTS and LOTS of truancy as well.

Awesome job BM and Chef Boyardumb!!


Drac0's picture

I worked at a Burger King. There is a Burger King University! That is what they call their training videos!

thinkthrice's picture

Me too! The managers or managers in training go there. But that would be too difficult and complex for Chef Boyardumb's progeny.

GhostWhoCooksDinner's picture

What is with congratulating kids for mediocrity at best? BM was the same way with SS15. "WOOHOO! He PASSED 8th grade with a 67 average! Yay, SS! That's AMAZEBALLS, Buddy!" :sick:

The minimum grade to pass is a 65. So the kid did the bare minimum and gets rewarded with dinner out and a trip to the adventure park? Dafuq?

tiny kitten's picture

Reminds me of the TV show Bones. Little girl comes home with 15th place prize for the egg and spoon race or something. "Look at that! Our daughter's a champ!" "There are only fifteen kids in her class, Booth."
Nobody wants the poor widdle kiddies today to get their feelings hurt. Everyone gets a medal.

FTMandSM's picture

WOW!! Just WOW!!! I can't even believe the education system is even letting this happen. MOTY, she must be so proud...gag... :sick:

thinkthrice's picture

Here is the play by play as I gaze into my crystal ball:

It's NYS here so CS can go on WELL past age 21 due to "higher learning" (eye roll) ESPECIALLY in light of the HORRIFIC lop-sided mediation agreement that Chef Boyardumb signed when he was in the "give the BM everything as she will play fair with me" phase.

Even the MEDIATORS told him it was a terrible deal for him and advised him to immediately get an attorney (which he didn't) but I digress.

No paperwork for TAP, PELL, FASFA has come in the mail for OSS. . .SOOOOOOOO what will happen is he will work part time at the local burger/pizza joints, living at the BM's and when he is about to turn 21, the BM will enroll him in the local community college for remedial, non-credit courses for the next five years to prolong CS.

She'll do that for each one including the now 11 1/2 year old

kathc's picture

I do hope you'll be spending more money than you can afford to send them both lavish gifts to celebrate their outstanding accomplishments! :sick:

Newstep's picture

SD's last GPA was a 1.6 and it wasn't her fault :? :? According to her BM it was all my fault because her daddy was punishing her for the piss poor grades. Guess the idiot didn't fall to far from the idiot tree }:)

Milomom's picture

Oh man, these posts about your skids just make me want to :sick: :sick: :sick:

I can't stand any of them - especially the Behemoth!