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SS Soccer game and BM's jealousy

StepG's picture

You ever heard the term jealousy will kill you... Well we may not have to go to court with BM if her jealousy gets her first!

Saturday SS had a soccer game at 9:30. It was BM's weekend to have ss. Well when we get there at 9:30 she is leaving to go get SS something to drink. We walk on over to the game and ss sees us and starts waiving and smiling and doing thumbs up to his dad. SS and H have this signal due to BM and her crap that if we come around and ss does thumbs up things are cool and if he does thumbs down things are bad. So anyway he is doing thumbs up to his dad and waving at us. Well BM gets back with the drink at about the time first water break. SS has come over to me and H and is drinking H's Sun-drop and H is tying ss shoes. BM breaks her neck to get over to us and get the Gatorade open and jerks the Sun-drop from SS hands and gives him the Gatorade and starts asking him how it was going in the game. Well SS gets up and goes back sets down the gatorade and goes back out on the field and BM walks to other end of field we are in middle of field on side line and SS is only 8 so the soccer field is not that big. Well next water break comes and SS comes over to us and gets his Gatorade and is drinking it talking to us about practice the other day and just talking. Now up until this point SS had scored 5 goals and his head was in the game. After he was finished with his drink he went back out on the the field and we looked down BM's way and she was fuming. She looked at SS and told him "Get over here NOW". H and I thought oh boy. SS hung his head and ran over there. BM got down in his face and was letting him have it. SS gets called back out on field. The game starts back up and H gives ss a thumbs up and SS stops dead in his tracks looks at H and gives 2 thumbs down. About this time BM's boyfriend walks up says hey to us and goes over to BM. Meanwhile SS is wandering the soccer field running shaking his head and missing kicks. Head was not in the game. He turns to H again and give 2 thumbs down again. So I tell H next water break meet him on the sideline with his drink and tell him to go to his mom so she does not get mad. So H meets him at sideline with his drink and tells him to go over to his mom so she does not get mad and ss says OK dad. So ss goes over to BM and talks to all of them and then comes over to us and says my mom told me to come stand with yall so you would not feel left out. We both hugged SS and told him that we do not feel left out that we understood and we did not want her to get mad and we loved him and it would be alright not to worry about it. Well he got called back to the game and did better the rest of the time. After the game he got his snack and ran over to us hugged and kissed us both and took his dad's Sun-drop and we told him bye. H and I walk away hand in hand and we get to the car and see SS, BM, the BF, and 2 of BF girls walking toward the parking lot a like a bunch of sore tail cats.

No you see in the story once BF showed up she encouraged SS to come down there to us trying to make it look like he did not want to see us or whatever but prior to BF getting there she got onto SS for coming over to us during water break. Just like whenever she breaks bad on H it is never when BF is around.

So I have mixed feelings about going to these games. BM puts SS through such crap and makes his games so stressful on him when we are all there together. But it is not fair for us to not go b/c of her cause then she wins but when we all go SS has a tore up time. SS will be 8 in less than a month and I admit H and I tell him to do what makes mom happy by like telling him to go over to her at water break we understand but when is SS old enough to stand up to BM? He has never seen his mom so angry as she is when she is upset at his dad. What are ya'lls thoughts on that? When should SS start to stand up to her and say I don't hate my dad or I want to see my dad I love my dad?


The Principlist's picture

SS is young, but he is of age to voice his feelings and if BM can't respect his feelings she is only going to damage her relationship with him when he gets older and she doesn't have as much control. It is very hard for a child to try to please both sets of parents and very confusing when everyone is not on the same page. I would suggest that you & DH have a talk with SS the next time he is over and explain, that you guys love him and are going to be there for him rooting him on. Let him know that he doesn't have to feel like he's got to choose between the two and that since it sometimes is upsetting for BM maybe he should check in with her on his water breaks and you guys can see him after the game. Another way of handling it would be that BM gets 1st quarter water breaks and DH gets 2nd quarter or vice versa. Either way it can be a bit confusing and frustrating. As far as BM....fughetaboutha. Let her know that jealousy is a disease and you hope she gets well soon.

Step Mother's Motto this week is:

You don't have to LOVE me, you don't even have to LIKE me... But you will RESPECT me.

StepG's picture

jealousy is a disease and hope you get well soon! that's great. Should we encourage SS to stand up to his mother? She is a bear and I know we all say our BM's are crazy but I am 31 and am at times fearful of what she will do not exactly to me as far as physical but the lengths she will go to to cause grief and hurt.

The Principlist's picture

to have a talk with her to let her know that she does not consider his feelings when she does these things. It is hard because although he is old enough to speak his feelings, you have to consider how the nutjob will receive them. Imagine how hard it is for you at 31 to deal with her, now imagine being 8. Can be a bit overwhelming, but I would still encourage him to speak up, but be respectful. She may be open to hearing it if he comes from a place of love for both parents and not choosing DH over her. I know how frustrating it is to deal with a nutjob. I would suggest that you and DH also sit down with her and BF and discuss it. I suggest to include you and BF because 1) she seems tamed in his presence and 2) the both of you are going to be in the picture and spending time as well. However, I would let DH do the majority of the talking so that she doesn't feel attacked by you. There is still the chance that she will turn things around, but anything is worth a try to allow SS the freedom to spend and enjoy time with you guys without the regret of what BM is going to say or do to him. Good Luck.

Step Mother's Motto this week is:

You don't have to LOVE me, you don't even have to LIKE me... But you will RESPECT me.

Chel Bell's picture

do BM'S use the kids games to launch a s--t throwing match is beyond me. Our BM used to do this type of stuff all the time to SS, especially when the custody battle was going on. She would go to his games, and sit within earshot of us and make all kinds of "comments", to anyone with her that would listen, making sure we could hear her too, and be really embarrrassing. The worst time was when SS was living w/ us, and I had to bring him to all his base ball games, and BM showed up at one, and he went to her and asked her to buy him a drink, and she said "go ask your mother" front of me and every one, while walking away from him. Yeah, fond memories!!!"~waiting on the world to change~"

The Principlist's picture

immature and hateful she is. Everyone hears the crap she spews, but then her actions speak otherwise. Because if it were me, I would be the loving and encouraging mom and not the spiteful and hateful one. SO comments like that not only makes her, but proves her to be an idiot. It's her jealousy speaking and that type of behavior will only eventually cause Skid to overlook her and come to you first anyways.

Step Mother's Motto this week is:

You don't have to LOVE me, you don't even have to LIKE me... But you will RESPECT me.

Dawn-Moderator's picture

but all kids will speak their minds at different ages. It depends on the relationship between Bm and ss. My ss is first starting to speak his mind and stand up to Bm a little and he just turned 13! It's been a long road of Bm treating ss crappy for him to get to the point he is at.

So, since your ss in only 8, it might take him a little while longer to get to the point of standing up to his mom. It's really hard. We want to support ss speaking his mind but it usually gets him grounded by Bm. I told ss that it might have to get worse before it gets better.

We're still waiting to see how things play out when ss is at Bm's house.


Nymh's picture

He can tell her whenever he wants but unfortunately a lot of the soft-hearted kids will let it go on for far too long before they stand up to their parents. My SS is the exact same way. He sees how mad his Mother gets at his Dad and how she encourages SS to not want to have anything to do with his Dad, and instead of standing up to her he just acquieses. He tells everyone else how he feels, but not his Mom, and she won't believe anyone else when they tell her that she's hurting him and pushing him away.

*~So sayeth Nymh~*