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Figured out Stepdaughter’s plan - update

Stepgram's picture

So we were at a family gathering when SD talked about going on her work trip. DH overheard tha conversation and quickly put 2 and 2 together to realize that I would be used as a nanny. I give him credit for warning me that I would be used for child care services if I were to go with her. 

SD approached me and asked about making plans. I told her that it was not feasible for me to go with the other activities I have planned. From the look in her face I could see that she was trying to think of a way to convince me to go with her but I had made it clear that there was no way I would be going on a trip with her.  She still hasn't come clean about her true intentions So glad that I did not let her and DH manipulate/pressure me  




JRI's picture

I'm glad your DH was seeing clearly.  Many are blinded by guilt and denial


Exjuliemccoy's picture

I love how clear-eyed you are about your step situation, how you know your boundaries and are able to maintain them without being adversarial. I also like that your DH had your back and warned you about SD's machinations. There are many ST members whose partners wouldn't.

THIS is how to handle adult skids.

Stepgram's picture

It took me a while to get to this point.  I sucked it up for so many years but enough is enough now.  I'm living on my terms now and it is beautiful!  DH waffles back and forth, so if SD whines about needing help, he may try to pressure me.  I already suggested to him that he can take time off and go with her.  He likes bouncing the kid on his lap but does not want to do any of the work himself so he won't go with her.  

caninelover's picture

You saw right through it. Bravo!