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It’s been awhile…

Stepgram's picture

I've been dealing with some health issues so it's been a while since I have last posted.  SD's latest request made my jaw drop.  She wanted to move in our home with her husband and son so that they could save money to keep on travelling.  This woman is 37 years old and expects we would provide shelter and food for them. DH flat out told her no and that they needed to work it out themselves. Needless to say they have not gone on any trips recently and we don't see them too often. 


CajunMom's picture

I don't even know what to say. Glad your DH said NO!  

Those of us on this board hitting out elder years need to take notes. These toxic SKs never give up. We need to have our plans in place and prepared so we aren't blindsided. SMH 

EveryoneLies's picture

Glad that your DH said no! I don't get why your SD can feel so comfortable asking for things like that! (and her husband too!) And yeah, they shouldn't go on any trips if they can't even afford living. 

Rags's picture

Applause and well played by you and DH.  A 37yo Klingon with the baggage of a DH and a kid is not what anyone wants invading their home, marriage, and life.

IMHO anyway.

A 37yo in a pickle due to being overcome by events is something entirely different than a traveling parasite who needs a host so they can prepare to travel.


I do feel for this kid who sadly totally lost the parent lottery on both ends of his clearly shallow and polluted gene pool.

Take care of you.

Stepgram's picture

Their son has a hard time regulating himself and does a lot of whining and crying. He needs a stable routine but they are more concerned about their next adventure.  However, that is not my problem. 

hereiam's picture

A similar situation is what brought me to this site years ago. My SD wanted to move herself, her husband, and their 2 kids in with DH and I. They had left their rented house (were going to be evicted due to not paying rent) and moved in with BM and her husband but they did not want to follow their rules, so could they live with us? Um, no, absolutely not.

Then, I started feeling guilty, found this site, and knew that I had no reason to feel guilty and that "no" was the right answer.

I'm glad that your DH gave the right answer.

MorningMia's picture

Oh my god! And Rags has the perfect description: Klingons. *crazy*

We live in a fortress (ok, a bit of an exaggeration) because of the grown skids, especially SS, who was a "digital nomad," working from various countries, always overstaying his visas because he learned early in life that rules are for other people. He decided to go from full-time work to part-time because he wanted to have more fun. Then he quit his job altogether because--and I kid you not--the company would not pay him a six-figure salary (he was making decent money and staying in countries with ridiculously cheap living expenses). He has no car, no home, nothing. He's in his late 30s. So, he's unemployed and told DH he has enough cash to carry him to July (fast approaching). . . he's lying, either about his former salary or about how little he has. 

SS feels secure that his landing place is his mother's apartment, but he hates the area and we know she tires of the selfish monster she created. I reminded DH that he is not coming here. Hell no. Hell no. 

Good for your DH!