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Dad carries insurance should BM cover out of pocket co-pay expenses?

steplife's picture

My DH carries me and SD7 on insurance. He has 50/50 weekly custody and no CS ordered for either parent. CO says they both are supposes to carry their own insurance for SD and regular appointments are to alternate between parents. This way they each pay for every other appointment. BM chooses to work per diem so no longer carries any insurance. BM called and said DH needed to pay half of Dr. Visit. Should BM be paying all co-pays since she does not pay monthly insurance and uses ours for every appointment now?


QueenBeau's picture

Yes she should. & I'm sure now the copays are also higher I'm sure since SD is not double covered.

In our situation BM pays all out of pocket expenses up to $250 a year & then it is split.

farting_glitter's picture

ummmm, I know in my CO, my exH has to carry insurance on our Bios and we both have to split any out of pocket expenses....I would look into the BM not having insurance on the SD and go from there!