Well, it happened. I finally lost it! And boy did I ever! Did I go too far?
That is exactly where I am. Last night, I lost it. Now, you all don't know me, but I am 99% of the time a kind, sweet person. But, I lost it last night. SS had been asked by his dad to clean up the basement. We came home from a party last night only to find that the basement had not been cleaned and SS was in bed. Dad woke up SS and told SS to clean the basement. SS had an attitude and started back-talking dad. That's when I totally lost it. I had had enough. The comments the weekend before and now this. I yelled - Do NOT talk to your father like that! Now get over here and sit down! He didn't do it. I said - Did I stutter? Are you deaf? I said NOW! Not in 10 seconds. Not when YOU want. NOW! He came over and sat down. I proceeded to say: I am sick and tired of your entitlist attitute. You do not appreciate anything that is done for you. You are lazy, and don't respect your dad. I don't give a shit what you think of me, but he (pointing at dad) is your father and I will not take a back seat to you treating your dad like this any longer! Your dad has taken the high road. He has chosen not to bash your "mom" in front of you, but let me give you a dose of reality. The reason that you are living here, dear SS, is because your birth mom chose a pedifile over you. Did you know that? The reason that you are adopted by your dad is because your birth mom chose a pedifile over you. Your dad said to her - you can leave the pedifile or I will adopt your son. She chose to stay with the pedifile. So, dear stepson, your birthmom (who was adopted by DAD and EX and SS knows this) chose a pedifile over you. She doesn't even know who your dad is. So, you can thank your dad for saving your life. Think about it. Think about how your life would have been if it hadn't been for this man! Your birthmom has never thanked him, has never even said that she is sorry. Then, on top of all of this, dear stepson, the reason that you live with your dad instead of the EX (the adoptive mom) is because when they sold the house in TX and dad bought a house in maryland, EX (adoptive mom) was supposed to move up. But, instead of that happening, the EX (adoptive mom) said - nope, don't want to be married any more and I don't want the kids. You can have them. They can come visit. She gives not one cent of money to your dad. Your birthmom nor adoptive mom don't send you birthday gift, they don't send you Christmas gifts. Never have I seen one package come through that door for you. They don't feed you, they don't put clothes on your back, they don't come home from work to take your LAZY ass to Scouts after a hard day, they don't go on your Scout activities, they don't buy you a new mattress for your bed, or encourage you, they don't give your birthday parties, they don't go to your school to talk to your teachers or care that you do well in school. They don't help with your homework after a hard day at work. As far as I know - you get a TEXT every once in a while. Am I right? (he shakes his head yes) but yet, dear stepson, you want to move down to Texas because you call them "your real family"? If you think that they are family, then let me help you pack your bag because they are not. I don't know what kind of BS they are giving to you, but let me tell you - your birht mom left you for a pedifile and adoptive mom has told your dad multiple times that she doesn't want the responsibility. So, you think that the grass is greener? Let me take you to the airport now. Go ahead and learn the lesson yourself. But, you step out that door - you're not coming back here. Another thing, dear step son, - I don't owe you shit. I don't owe you one single thing. I buy you things because I like to see the smile on your face. Seeing you happy fills my heart. Knowing the situation of your birthmom and adoptive mom, I felt really sorry for you so I stepped up. But you don't appreciate it. You act like I owe you something, you act entitled, you don't act grateful. So, let me repeat, If you think that this is such a horrible place - why don't you go and find out what a really horrible place will be. We all make decisions in life. This one is yours. But don't you EVER say to your dad again that your "real family" is in TX because the man sitting right there (pointing to dad) has done more for you, and I am sure will continue to do more for you, than anyone else that you THINK is family ever will. Now get out of my site. He got up and left. His dad just sat there looking at me with his mouth open and said: I've never seen you like that. I said, well, I just couldn't take it any more. Did I go too far?
- Stepmom in Maryland's blog
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So no throat punch though?
*blum3* Bravo!! Nope, he needed a dose of reality, and frankly this should have been done sooner. It's one thing to not trash the other parent, but it's another thing to let the kid think something that is completely false, and skews his entire view of his life. The entitlement speech was long overdue. I hope it sinks in. It will be interesting to see how he behaves after this.
Usually I black out somewhere in the middle of my tirades and can't even remember half of what I said later, but you did great! Good for you!
Thanks! Feels good!
Thanks! Feels good!
Woooo Hoooo!!!!!
You are my new Girl Crush!!!
No, you didn't go to far; SS is the one who did that with his thoughtless, selfish, self absorbed attitude and comments.
Ideally his dad should have been the one to deliver the chewing out, but if he were able to do that you probably would never have found it necessary to seek out this site in the first place.
I bet you look hot in those bi!ch boots, honey.
LOL- bitch boots size seven!
LOL- bitch boots size seven!
(Psssst ....it's pedophile)
(Psssst ....it's pedophile)
Teenagers are horrible. I think you went a bit too far, but I like the idea of having him call his adoptive mother and make plans to move down there. See how far that gets him. What did DH say?
He thanked me for standing up
He thanked me for standing up for him. I told him that I just couldn’t hold my tongue any more. He said - well, it was all facts and all truth.
Truthfully, DH should have
Truthfully, DH should have said have said all of that a long time ago.
I've said before that
I've said before that unchecked wrong-headedness and unchallenged misconceptions are a big factor in skids becoming maladjusted adults.
my DH's eldest is highly narcissistic and has some screwy ideas about life, fathers, her place in the world, etc. Everyone walked on eggshells around her, and no one ever challenged her skewed, self absorbed thinking. Now she's approaching 40, a MOTY with kids nearly grown, filled with anger and can't get along with people. Things might have been different if the adults around her had bared her a$$, corrected her flawed assumptions, and given her clarity.
You did that boy a huge favor. Now, Your H needs to follow up with him and HAVE YOUR BACK.
Thank you!
Thank you!
I on occassion ripped my
I on occassion ripped my skids a new one for treating their dad like crap. It made a difference for awhile then they slipped back into the same old attitudes. I am in awe of what you did and not surprised one bit by your man sitting there with his mouth hung open. Why oh why don't these men know how to do this for themselves????
Its not like the SS was too young for this lecture. He had it coming and I can't wait to read your update in a week on him.
Way to go!! Stepmoms rule, dads drool! . *ROFL*
In all honesty, I do think
In all honesty, I do think you went too far. Not in calling him out for treating his dad disrespectfully (that was a good thing!), but for telling him all of those truths that were not yours to tell. It was up to his "dad" to tell him that, and he had chosen not to. That said, I'm really glad that your SO was pleased that you told him. It was definitely something that IMO should have already been told to the boy. It could easily have gone the other way, with dad being angry with you for spilling the beans, but it didn't, and I'm really happy for you that it turned out the way it did.
I hope things improve with the boy now that he knows the truth.
I agree with that. I really
I agree with that. I really don’t know what got into me. It was like I was standing outside myself going - who is this person. But, I am happy to report there has been a change in attitude.
What's important is where you
What's important is where you go from here. It's very, very important that you and your DH stand together A) because it's necessary for successful parenting and
in case your SS tries to triangulate with your DH against you. Your DH is the weaker parent, and kids are experts at sussing out weak points.
I think it would be good to give the boy some time to himself, and then have a family meeting. Prearrange for your DH to be the leader and bad cop, while you position yourself as softer and empathic. You do owe the boy an apology for losing your cool, just as your DH owes you an apology for not handling his business and SS owes you both an apology for being a selfish _____.
Sometimes, you have to burn it all down in order to rebuild. OP, I think you have the makings of a very nice modern family - the kind where everyone chooses to love and respect each other. I wish you all good things for your fresh start.
Did he know this stuff before
Did he know this stuff before? Or did you break this to him for the first time? If you wanted to remind the kid you think he's worthless you've done a good job.
When you STEP in
instead of disengaging, you have to eventually have biodad's support.
There is the paralyzed parent where discipline never occured to him or he "doesn't want to be like his parents." And then there's guilty/disney dad who sees nothing wrong with the insolence, thinks he's a GREAT dad by cowtowing to the child and has already set the stage for disengagement by announcing (often in front of said ferals) that SM is NOT a parental figure and that its "none of her business" Even though their behaviour and dad's passiveness DIRECTLY impacts her life
Stepping in is often the crucible for determining if one needs to disengage. Keep your eyes opened for The Biodad Backslide (TM) over the next few days and weeks indicated by BD trying to reduce the sting of your lecture by buying SS tokens of affection, giving you the cold shoulder, etc.
Hey, thinkthrice, you should
Hey, thinkthrice, you should make a list of TM phrases relating to steplife! You seem to throw in these jewels every so often!
Biodad backslide, genius!!
I didn't read all the
I didn't read all the comments but I was adopted by my stepdad. Showing my ass as a teenager is something I did on the regular. Looking back- that was when my dad loved me harder. I was so sheltered from the truth of my bio. My parents were told to never tell me about it becasue then I would view myself as 1/2 bad/evil/ horrible.
I WISH MY PARENTS DID THIS TO ME!! What you did was 100% what I wish they would have told me. I grew up thinking that this horrible, evil, awful, absusive person was really a great dad who loved me and was just "sick" and had always wanted me. So in my eyes my dad (stepdad) stole me from my bio! That was such BS in my own head, I was saved over and over and fought for and loved. I didn't find out until I was in my early 20's the truth. It was a lesson that I wish I never learned.
Let your SS stew over what you told him. Also, now would be a good time to book a therapy appointment with someone who specailizes in adoption issues. Not being genetically linked to your family can mess with you head. My mother was also adopted when she was 16 months from an orphanage. So I have very little biological family outside of my mom and 1/2 sibilings and my own children. It is hard to know all of that and even at 60, my mom, who was raised by the best possible family- I mean my grandparents were to most wonderful people on earth- my mom still struggles wanting to know where she came from. I do too.
Now what you did happened in
Now what you did happened in a moment of anger but it sounds like it was pent up for quite some time, so eventually you had to explode and it sounds like you did in a very good way. True , it is usually best for the Bio parent to reveal such truths that you did but it sounds like truths that should have come out along time ago and SO was hesitant to do so, sometimes we have to STEP up and take the swing for them is also true.
My GSD8 one weekend was being absolutely horrid and I did the same thing, I didn't go into every detail about her mother but I did inform her that she was living with us because her Mommy basically was a screw up and if she wanted to be mad at someone she needed to be mad at Mommy not us, as I recall she had bad mouthed my DW one to many times and that's when I stepped in, just like you.
So Bravo to you for stepping up for your SO, sometimes they need our defending even though they should have been able to do it on their own.
Yes, you went too far.
Yes, you went too far. Telling a kid something like this in anger, is not the right way to go about it, and it should have come from his dad. Or even the two of you together, but not like this.
I hope you get this kid into counseling, he needs it.
I understand your frustration and wanting to put it all out there. It's one thing to think about letting it all out and having your say, it's another thing to do it the way that you did. People can cheer you on all they want, but this was wrong and some of the things that you said to him were just wrong.
I agree a little bit here. I
I agree a little bit here. I think this is information that the kid needed to be told.. so he could fully understand how much was being done for him.. but maybe not in such an 'in your face way'.. In the end though.. if her DH is supporting what she said.. perhaps it wasn't the end of the world.
What I might suggest though is this. Now.. after tempers have cooled, I think that OP needs to readress this with the SS.
"SS, I know what I told you may have been a bit of a surprise to you... and I'm sorry that was the way you ended up finding out about the truth of the situation. But, I had reached the end of my rope watching you treat your father so poorly and putting people on pedestals that in all reality don't deserve your time. I don't know why your bio mother can't make you a priority in her life but what I do know is that your father right here in this house loves you and would move heaven and earth to keep you safe. I wish you would treat him more kindly because he really doesn't deserve what he has been getting.
I did something similar with
I did something similar with my SS when he was around 11. (As many of you know he is biologically my DH's nephew). My in laws sepped up for him, DH and me stepped up for him, he had a pretty good life considering niether of his parents wanted him. I'll set the stage: DH and I, young marrieds with a little baby, went to fetch SS and bring him to our house for a week of movies, Chinese food, and quality time. We would literally spend every penny of our meager extra cash on him. He started in with the "poor me" self pity talk, and spontanously I just turned to him in the backseat and said, "You know, a LOT of people have stepped up to give you a decent life, you could be in foster care right now being butt f***ked by some perv, but you have anything a kid your age could ask for. I love you, never doubt that. But a little gratitude would be nice. " He and DH were speechless, and I felt a little bad, but I at least never heard the poor wittle me talk again. Note: I know foster parents are generally wonderful people, thta's just what popped into my 24 year old brain at the time.
LOL, that made me chuckle...
LOL, that made me chuckle...
On some level I'm pretty sure
On some level I'm pretty sure SS knows his mom abandoned him. When a parent does that, the kid blames themself for being unlovable, not the parent for being unloving. I think it contributes a lot to their angst.
Even though my SD is a butthole, I would never go off on her like this, because she would be hurt and I would be truly guilty of abusive behavior. Not only would it be inappropriate, I would never take the position of oppressor in her little drama triangle. She and BM would go directly into victim mode, and turn DH into their rescuer.
This may come back and bite you in the ass.
While forums like this can be
While forums like this can be a good place to vent, the problem is that people clearly do not see the entire picture and, lesson learned, only see the story that people choose to tell. There is simply no way to tell the entire dynamic in just a couple of paragraphs. While it is very nice to be backed, it is also disappointing that people judge without knowing the full picture. Lesson learned on posting in forums.
Those of us who have been in
Those of us who have been in your shoes pretty much know what happened, know the feeling of pent up anger and the unleashing of pent up anger. That situation is only caused by a GUBM on steroids, hell bent on destroying everything in her path and of her ex. Scorched earth is her end goal.
No, it is hard to explain the whole story but you spend enough time here, you get to know the patterns of behavior that continue to pop up over time. Don't leave, continue to share your story. I really have to know if SS shapes up or moves to TX. I want a happy ending for you, they are so far and few between.....