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Newbie here... but not a new step...

stepmommy dearest's picture

Ok... where to begin??? I have been in my stepdaughters life since the little shit has been born... Literally been born.... I went to the hospital before anyone and visited her. She was 2lbs and 4oz... Premature little cute lil alien... Loved her more than anything... Got along with her mother cause I had to keep the peace between my hubby and the bitch... My hubby and I use to fight over getting her for his weekends and his holidays. He would say he was too busy... I made it a point to include her in "our" lives. Well 6 years ago we found out her mom was doing Krystal meth and other drugs and decided to fight for custody of my step. We won after a very long drawn out fight. The mother had lost all her rights of custody. But she did have visitations rights which were of course supervised. So we took the easied thing we could think of and had the mother's family do the supervision.... Which is maybe two streets away from where the mother actually lives... The mother might have showed up to 5 or 6 visits... For 5 years we haven't gotten a phonecall, text, email, nothing from her to see how her daughter is doing... Well my stepdaughter meanwhile has been taken care of by me... I wash her clothes, buy her clothes, Take her to everything, buy her anything she needs/mostly wants.... She has done nothing in the last 3 years but steal, lie, flunk school, try to get my kicked out of my own fing house from lying to her father about me talking to gentlemen on the phone... you name it she has tried it... She does not respect me... If I make a rule she makes sure she does everything she can to break it.... She is always punished. Her father and I are at wits end. We have done counseling... individual/family... can't afford to ship her off to boarding school or one of those boot camps... I am to the point I can't stand her ass... I hate feeling dis way... I can't get over it... I am sooooo happy to find ya'll out here....


dreamingofhappiness's picture

WOW, and this child is only 6?

I have not been in my Skids life to endure what you have, the youngest one was 1 1/2 when I met the kids. But... I have 2 teenage skids and the SD seems to try to defy everything as well... she even tried defying her BD... well, unfortunately it is going to come down to a good ass whooping... BY THE BD, not you. Daddy dearest really needs to step in at this point and lay down the law. He needs to make it quite clear to her that you and him are the boss, not her. and she needs to think of every word coming out of your mouth is directly coming from him as well.

I see it as you being fed up with the antics you are dealing with with this child. not that you can't stand her... You also need to remember where she is getting all this crap from. BM and that part of her family. They have no respect foryou in anyway because you took her daughter. no matter what the reason that is all they see.

Hang in there... Stay strong, and lay down the law. If that means spanking, then resort to it.

stepmommy dearest's picture

I am sorry but my SD is 13... I should have made that clear... She has stated her #1 goal in life is to split her father and I up... What 13 year thinks that way? Does she think I will get her every other weekend? and holiday? She's dreaming!!!! I am sorry but I AM NOT her Mother! I do love her but she has gone too far and hurt me too much!