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Day 2

steppingonmom's picture

So this is my vent session for Day 2 of my membership. Now I am so irritated I am shaking. SD3 arrived home later today because she spent the night last night with her mom. In literally 10 minutes of being home she has jerked an iPod out of BS5's hand to which he said nothing back to her, just let her do it. She said "This is mine and you can't play with it" It actually isn't hers it is SS10's but ok. DH said NOTHING TO HER about this, just let her do it. Then she ran and got a snack from the pantry (something mine are not allowed to do). So at this point I'm already irritated because 3 minutes around her and she did this. Then, our toy poodle who weighs about 5 pounds is under the table at my feet and she comes over and sits beside him and yells NO at him and hits him because heran across the floor with a little stuffed animal. I said "Don't hit the dog." She bursts into a screaming crying fit and runs to DH. He cuddles her and takes her into her room for special time. The only good that has come from this is her in her room and away from me. Mind you, this is the ONLY 10 minutes, 600 seconds, that I have seen her all day and this is how she acts. I have to work a very long day tomorrow at my work, more than 12 hours, and I look forward to this time away from home, away from her, so I don't have to hear it. I will just miss my boys and hope she doesn't run all over them all afternoon. Sad


steppingonmom's picture

Thank you for the comments. Very helpful and insightful. My only issue is how to bring this up to DH without him totally disagreeing and believing she is perfect anyway. In his eyes she is a perfect little angel. He cannot see that she is exactly like her crazy mother. Also, no I cannot discipline her. Yes, I can try, but she runs to him and he cuddles her and reassures her that her actions are okay. I just stay quiet for fear of losing it and seeming like an evil wicked SM. I enjoy your thoughtful comments and posts. Thanks again.

dispiritedstepmom2011's picture

just smack the brat and lock her in her room for a while......kidding.

i agree that she needs to be taught not to be a princess mini bitch....

have everyone start treating her the way she treats everyone. and when she gets upset, say nothing. one day she will get the drift....kidding again.

sorry im in a fuckin mood tonight.

steppingonmom's picture

You are just saying what I am feeling but won't say. I want to jerk things out of her hands and yell at her to stop. I want to pour ice water on her when she screams. I want to knock her BM's block off for being the biggest lowlife POS EVER. BM has another kid and baby daddy from years before my DH had my SD3. The previous baby daddy of her actually sadly committed suicide last month. NO JOKE. She lives wherever there is a bed, a week or month at a time. She lived with him for about 2 weeks for the umpteenth time. They got in a huge fight (undisclosed what this was about) she moved out, he killed himself less than a week later and now she tells their son he was murdered and the murderer might come after the son.....REAL TALK........ That's all a part of a whole different family than mine and it is off topic but it just shows some of the craziness I deal with. This is the BM of my SD. I am really in for it.

steppingonmom's picture

I am loving this idea. Wonder if he would go for it? His go to answer is that everything is fine and no one needs any extra help, rule charts, or anything like that. Hmmmm. I might try to bring it up this weekend (our kid free weekend). The thing is all of the kids are so sweet and they do listen so well, except her. SS10, BS8, and BS5 are model little citizens. They keep each other in line and they are so caring and sweet. They have their moments, spend a few minutes in time out and everything is good again. I work with kids as a career and I raise 4 kids and I can honestly say I would rather have a roomful of 25 boys than 1 girl. If we tried this and she ran to him for coddling, he would never be able to tell her to let me handle it. One time I had her in time out, sitting with her and talking calmly to her after a screaming fit and he came in the room, she ran to him, and he scooped her up in a huge hug and took over. She needed ice water, but she was reassured that nothing she did was wrong.

Oh and no we did not really discuss disciplining her because when I met him she was barely walking. She was a 12 month old learning how to ween from a bottle. We discussed disciplining the boys, but she just slipped through the cracks I guess. :?