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I dont know what to do

steppystep's picture

SDs are still with their aunt. They don't want even to talk to my husband let alone live with him again. He went to the aunt's house and all they said was "hello" and wouldn't even look at him after it.
He's depressed and totally f**ked up.He doesn't pay attention to anything and anyone anymore, walks around like a zombie and I suppose thinks about them.
He doesn't care about me or the baby he just sits around all sulky. Our relationship is going downhill,he won't even talk.
it's making me so miserable and I want him to just wake up because I can't even imagine how will my child's life be if the father just walks around depressed because of his other two daughters and doesn't even look at her. he has so many pics of sds and him when they were my baby's age...he always held them,,played with them, put them to sleep & fed them..and his family says he hated to get separated from them when they were babies...but he doesn't even pay attention to our child and it's killing me.
i'm so miserable this is not the life i want. Sad


StickAFork's picture

Are these the kids whose mother is dead, and dad has now shipped them off to live with someone else MORE than once?
If this is that poster, then, yeah... I'm with the SD's. I wouldn't want anything to do with him, either.