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right behind my back "under my nose"

sterlingsilver's picture

I cannot believe the balls ss18 has. This morning i was letting SO sleep in b/c yesterday he worked 15 hours and came home last night totally exhausted. I sat down on the couch while all 4 boys were getting ready for school. The two younger, bs14, ss15, got ready and left. Then bs16 and ss18 got up and were getting ready to leave. I was sipping my coffee and watching the news sitting on the couch so my back was to the front door and stairs leading upstairs. SS18 walked over to the door and said goodbye and I said goodbye. I thought he left but instead he creeped up the stairs. I had to go to the bathroom so I went upstairs to go and ss15's door is open so I walked over to close it b/c his room stinks so badly and there is ss18 standing in his room looking through ss15's wallet. He threw it down when he saw me and I asked what he was doing and he lied and said he was looking for something to wear. HUH? He was dressed and ready to leave a minute ago and now he's looking for clothes? I told him his brother hadn't done laundry and to please not go into other's rooms without permission, even his brother's. He just walked downstairs and out the front door. I looked through ss15's room real quick and into his empty wallet. Not sure if he had money in it but it's gone now. I just want to strangle that big 18 yr old brat. He is such a lying thief.

Arg, thanks for listening. I am just frustrated.


dgb's picture

Love the above idea from DTZYBLND, BUT you should have DH with you when you tell SS18 the consequences. Make sure you discuss what you are going to tell SS18 with your DH prior to the confrontation, that way you and your DH will be on the same page and will present a united front. It will have more of an impact!

sterlingsilver's picture

Great ideas, thx ladies. Now for the hard part...sigh. I wish I could more successfully disengage but alas these boys need my watchful eye and detective stealth to keep them in line. They've figured out how to outsmart their dad, but I grew up with 5 brothers and had a very deceptive ex so I know how to sleuth. haha