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Home Living...

stpmommyof2's picture

OK, yesterday was my clothes complaint. Today is my living arrangements complaint. Now before I go any further I know there is nothing I can do about this...I'm just interested in what others think of this situation.

BM still lives in the same house that she and DH bought together. She is remarried and new H's kids live there now. He has 3 kids, she has 2 and they just had one together - 6 kids.

So here it is, 3 bedrooms & 2 bathrooms, 8 people and 3 inside dogs. The house is very small (1200 sq. ft.) - only has the kitchen and living room aside from the bed and bathrooms. Fish tank and turtle tank on the kitchen counter (kitchen barely has room for a table). Five kids share one bathroom in the morning and we've been informed by the school that the bus is always waiting on their house.

Anyway, I think the house is too small for all the people/animals living there. Of course, I know I can't make her move but I can't understand why she would want to be so crammed.

SD's hate going back to her house. They have even told us they have no room to play and are always looking for somewhere to go to get away from their Step-brothers.

I feel bad for them. I think the house is clean but I don't go in there and from the looks of their (and when I say their, I mean the whole family) clothes and hair the house can't be far behind.



nomore's picture

I see your flustration. Both my skids live with there mom and share a room. SS 7 and SD 9 (isn't that against the law?)
Anyway, the kids have said many times the want to come live with us but BM wont budge b/c then she knows she'll lose child support.
I guess if arrangements cant be made for them to live with you then, your right, nothing can be done.
I think that if the home is that bad then call child protective services. There's gotta be limits on these sort of things.
Sorry, but that's all I've got.

Pantera's picture

If your husband wanted, he could try to get primary custody. If that doesn't work, there isn't much you can do.

I_GOT_THIS's picture

I got 1 better. SK live in a 4 bedroom mobile home with BM and her folks. SS13 has his own room, BM has her own room, grandparent have separate room "cause they don't like eachother". That leaves SS5 with NO room, NO bed, NO corner of a room. No nothing. No wonder SS5 has a hard time sleeping in his own bed at our house. He wanders from bed to bed at his house.
Can't change it so what's the point.
Plus i've hear SS5 talk about the roaches at their house. I stopped going inside after a b-day party there when the kids were jumping from couch to couch. i tried to correct them before someone got hurt and was told "it's ok, they can do that here." WOW!