So here I am prepping for our Thanksgiving Dinner. My boyfriend is depressed because BM has been playing games and not letting him have his daughter. After contacting the lawyer today, we found out that she has been avoiding the sheriff from being served divorce papers. So he is upset that he wont have his kid for the holiday. I understand. Then do something about it. The BM is letting him take the kid for a few hours this evening. Its like she throws him a bone and he runs. How will she ever take him serious with the divorce. She never wanted the daughter before and she was pretty much living with us. But as soon as she found out He got a lawyer for a divorce and custody all of the sudden she keeps the kid from him. Its so fucked up. I want to tell her what a phony piece of crap she is and what an awful person she is. But this is his place. He needs to do it, right?????? But holy shit this effects me. I had no idea I was gona put up with all this shit. And he has no back bone and I hate it!!!!!!
- Stressed Out Mom's blog
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That was a joke, right?
That was a joke, right? There are several of us on here - me included - whose SO/FH is not yet divorced because the BM refuses to cooperate. In my case the miserable woman is getting $6000.00 a month in child and spousal support but that exorbitant amount is not enough for her and she is holding out for an amount that would make your hair curl.
I see no reason that a man, or the woman who loves him, should refrain from a relationship because of a bitter woman who is either greedy or simply likes to play games. That does not in any way shape or from make us a "mistress!"
What rights do the BMs have
What rights do the BMs have if dad dies before the divorce is final? Can she step in as the legal wife and take over? If so, can a SM do anything to protect herself?
Depending on the will set up
Depending on the will set up by the dad, the BM can get everything. Even if he specifically disinherits the BM, in most states there is a spousal exception percentage - usually one third - that she can take off the top before anyone else sees anything. Basically the dad can protect the SM financially but the BM will still profit. And the SM can forget ever seeing the kids again unless BM gives her permission which she can take away at any time.
The only person who has any luck is the dad who no longer has to deal with the BM ever again!
I do know that DH and BM
I do know that DH and BM divorce took way longer than it should of because she kept drawing it out. So instead of a year it was well over two. We met months after the final papers. I didn't know it was right after for a long time, because in his mind he had been divorced since the day she moved out two and half years earlier.
Some of these women can't move on so they draw it out. Not the OP's issue...
So Houx you seem to think I'm
So Houx you seem to think I'm a mistress. That is quite ignorant of you to talk some shit like that. I'll have you know that my boyfriend was separated for 2 years before he and I established a relationship. Also his wife of 6 years was cheating on him for 3 of those years and just had a baby with the man whom she cheated with. It was devastating for my boyfriend while he was being a mom and a dad to his daughter while the mother was sucking the neighbors d@*#. Im not his mistress but his partner. It is not his fault that she will not cooperate with the divorce. She does not want the divorce because she ended up with the looser she was cheating with. He abuses her mentally, emotionally and phyacally. She also just had a baby with him to make things worse for herself. She realizes what a mess she made and a huge mistake. But its too late. But she seems to be under the impression that he can not have a divorce unless she signs the papers. She is mistaken because she has NO legal council. Anyhow, when you run your mouth and call me a mistress that comes across like somebody's whore. What your mouth Houx. People on this site are all going through very similar situations and You just offended alot of people. If your life is so great and you feel you can judge peoples life that you dont know anything about then maybe you should run your ass off this site and find a site for Perfect People. Happy Thanksgiving Houx, dont choke on a turkey bone:)
Wow you took time out of your
Wow you took time out of your Thanksgiving day just to get a word in. Your such a lovely woman. Thank you for thinking of me and enjoy your holiday Houx.
So I guess those of us who's
So I guess those of us who's SO's don't have the finalized papers because even a year or 2 down the road the ex's drag it out aren't a mistress if all their moneys going towards the divorce and cs? Can't exactly be materialy supported if they are broke therefore can't define each unique situation as you want to see it. In my case the ex WANTS a divorce just wants it all her way and can't keep an attorney. I was cheated on and devistated in my marriage I've no respect for a mistress, but everyones situation chages what is seen as a mistress regardless of what websters says. I reject your reality and replace it with my own.
I am married (gag) to a jerk
I am married (gag) to a jerk that thinks he shouldn't pay for a divorce because I couldn't stand being treated like a worthless whore anymore while he lived in a house I owned. Now I live with a married man who doesn't get divorced because his "wife" has the home mortgaged in her name so that she could buy a place of her own. The SD 10 shuffles back and forth between us. So if you want to call that wrong, well this "mistress" has a certain middle finger pointing at you right now!