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MIL defo competing and buttons!! lol

stressedstep's picture

So, yesterday I blogged that I was curious as to whether my MIL was trying to compete with me and my BD6 and her grandaughter (my SD6).....Well...after I sent the helpful email about direct debits and such things, Ive not had any reply at all. Normally, MIL replies, hell if she sends one she chases a reply on the evening!

So to explain, MIL lives a good few miles from us, a 45-60 minute drive. Originally, SD6 was going to baths closer to her which is abbreviated KB. The local baths by us are in a different borough, so payment terms are differnt...I sent an email advising that local baths to me did Direct Debit and that I didnt know what baths local to her did....

So yesterday, SD6 comes for her normal Tuesday tea.....strolls straight into my lounge and announces to my BD6.."Im having my first swimming lesson tomorrow! And my nannie is taking me to LB (local baths) rather than KB (baths that were miles away!!" BD6 was excited and proceeded to tell SD6 that she had hers on Monday gone.....ah......didnt go to well with SD6.......SD6 proceeded to question me on BD6's lesson, to which I confirmed a lesson had been I asked OH if he had spoken with his mom..

"Yes, spoke to her earlier" he said
" Oh right, so did she get my email then?" I asked
"Ermm, dont know bab" he said
"Oh right. Only normally she replies but she hasnt this time. So did she do it via DD then, since its a LB and not KB?" I asked
"Oh, errm, I dont know bab" he said

Now, is it me or what but I get the distinct impression that MIL is on one and OH is being the doting mommies boy and covering the old dear! Really, why does all this need to be hidden!? Why does SD6 have to be competed against my BD6? I cant change SD6's lazy ass mother, but I sure as hell wont become one and deny my daughter ANYTHING to suit SD6!


fakemommy's picture

Eh, just ignore. Raise your DD the way you would with SD and MIL, and forget about her silly competition.

Disneyfan's picture

As long as they aren't expecting you to pay for anything or run SD around, why does it matter?

At the end of the day, both girls will get to take swim lessons and both girls are happy.

stressedstep's picture

I think this may be part of the problem if im honest...I think I was expected too......see, I dont control OH's money, he does himself. All he gives to me is literally half of the bills. If SD6 needs clothes or anything, I pay for it, not OH, from my pocket.
BUT Im 98% sure that MIL thinks that I control his money as OH never has any (he is a bit of gambler which is why money was split!) and I think that at the moment MIL is thinking "Oh you can book lessons now SD6 is out the way but not before!?" Which is so not true!

stressedstep's picture

Thanks both...I just give up slighlty...I have tried to dio everything I can tgo include all og OH'S liks in mine and my BD6's life, and I genuinely mean that, and all ive had from SS19 and SS17 is a mass of lies and sh*t and backstabbing beyond belief and now SD6 has started showing signs of being a little manipulative (she 7 years in 2 1/2 weeks). She does lie, her mom has taught her and she has gotten quite good at it, and I dont know if its many things starting to pile on or not!? Oh Well :O

Delilah's picture

Really it seems to me that you should concentrate on your dd6 and let your OH get on with it with sd6 himself, that includes purchasing her necessities including clothes. Having read your other post it would bother me that a fuss was made about poor widdle sd's lessons when you mentioned wanting your dd to learn to swim, the fact your OH was adament that both girls were to be treated completely equal then he colluded with MIL to set up swimming lessons for sd6 thereby excluding dd6. It was also incredibly bad form to allow sd to act like a brat by rubbing her lessons in dd6 face, when you had postponed dd's lessons to accommodate OH wishes and in consideration for sd6 feelings! THAT is the issue, your OH. Your sd is being taught to be unnaturally competitive, I get that kids do this to one another,but its the adults responsibility to shut thay down and teach the child the right path. Again sd's attitude is demonstrated when she is disappointed to learn that dd6 in fact is going swimming. What has OH said about that? Nothing I am betting. She sounds a brat and your OH is lazy.

Sorry to say and quite childish on his part if he is particpating in a one upmanship with MIL against you, and the fact he appears to say one thing and do another tells you everything you need to know, whild I am sure you want a family unit where everything is relatively fair and where youcan trust what OH saying, but imo you cant. OH has demonstrated that, he said nothing and did nothing when these issues arose except to enable his mother and sd6. This is a silly problem if you think about it, but this small issue just demonstrates the ultimate problem, that OH does not have your back and is willing to throw you and dd under the bus to placate MIL and sd!

So stop enabling OH to continue living in lala land, where you are held to a higher level of rules, expectations which can change depending upon OH mood and his family and he can down right dismiss his own stepkid= dd6 and his partner and where he can ignore the very same rules HE insisted upon! Stop buying things for sd, that his responsibility from HIS own pocket, as I am betting he doesnt have the same consideration for dd (hell he doesnt for HIS own daughter!). Stop communicating with MIL, screw her and her rudeness. If you stop engaging in HER competitive behaviour then she can only bleat and whine to OH and I would be ready to stop any and all that type of behaviour. So next time OH insists you have to include sd in something you want for dd, tell him "you are her dad, so that is up to you. Given the last utter debacle with the fake equality for the girls, I am abdicating from doing that. Its on you as her dad to do x if its that important to you"then ignore ignore. Expect manipulative tactics from OH and MIL when its comes to this, they will pull at your guilt in order to get you to re-engage but ignore them, do not allow these people to trick you from doing these things for dd6, as all they are doing is cheating YOUR little girl out of the things she should have with you. She only has one mother and father, perhaps your OH needs to realise the same for his child, that you do not snatch from one family to feed the other and that sd is very lucky she has not only her parents but a good SM too, so in affect she has more than dd6 as MIL wades in when necessary also!